"power rangers ninja turtle"

okeyy,nie bukan power rangers la . ni Spiderman 3 larhh DILLA . okeyy, really cant wait to see actions in that movie,yeahh in that movie . ok diam . many people arnd me have olreadyy catch that movie,yet i've not . && they told me,the actions in that movie are Awesome,i REPEAT,Awesome! haha,bestt sungguh! ok,die die must catch them next saturdae ngan PrettyBoy,aku tk kesah . kene tengok jgk . heh! so,Plaza Singapura and Cineleasure is my choice to catch that movie . which one should i go for? what do u think? (:
oh yes,Jangan Pandang Belakang pon aku nk tgk,den how? haha! ape2 Spiderman dulu ehh . i donnoe why,i actually get excited wen Spiderman 3 is out in cinema coz u noe y? i've never like watching that movie but then,Naufal,Young get me influence by his Peter Parker thing && yerpp,sumhow or rather i find tham cool,bestt . soo here i am loving Spiderman's actions (:
ehh,tk sabar ehh! in 2 days time,my cousin is going to move their house,from Woodlands to few blocks away from my crib! hehe,bestt tu . && wats better is that,PrettyBoy & Juey is going to help us carry the boxes & stuff . oh oh! my uncles & aunties are surely to noe about them,lagi2 PrettyBoy . tk macam kecoh plak nnt . dalah sedare akuu ramai! haha! macam bestt gitu tp kadang2 biler aku pikir balik,tk mcm serabai larh plak . heh! oh yes,den,i'll spend my holidaes at their house && for sure,if im bored im gonna stay dere . dorg pindah aku plak yg excited . yak alah,serabai ehh aku . ok diamm uh (:
my MT paper 1 & 2 was good . && now,im down with FLU but its muchh muchh more better than just now . for all i remember,i didnt do one of the Peribahase MCQ for paper 2 . i slept just to kepp myself away from the irritating flu and i forgot dat i've not done one more MCQ . heh! tk macam pandai plak akuu! soo yes,i hope there's no more sneezing for me horr . really,sickening! tissue paper are all on my table & my nose are all red . tk mcm cutee larhh plak . ok boringg larhh sial .
i donnoe why i spoke in malay todae so,for people who dosent noe wat im talking about,go do some reserch larhh horr! okeyy sorrie,testing u onlyy . DILLA,ur retardd ehh . hehehehehe (:
"PrettyBoy,wats the date todae?
"3rd May?"
"Three times okeyy?"
" i love you,i love you,i loveeeee youu! "
he says that to me evey single dae since 1st May
im loving it!
some changes for my blogg . spott them (:
oh by the wae,i wanna change my blogg song . for temporary onlyy .
one of my dancee songg that i LOVE mostt! btu too bad! it would take suchaa longg tym to auto play .
oh oh!
Currently: 15
Supposingly: 21
before school starts: 19
after school ends: 15
but i shud have 2 more extra kan? alahai . nk beli macam2,tp duit baruu berape .
save larhh wei . 22nd May da Great S'pore Sale,lagi ko nk shopping kan? pas tu next week nk tgk wayang . den SpeakEasyy . den beli kasot baruu . lols,itu larh akuu .