My picture will do the talking for now (:
Flyzah,Ilah and Shab . Gorgeous among the gorgeous (:
And i swear,they are gorgeous like those models .
Flyzah was the starr (:
&& Dirah,the belated birtheday girl! happie 20th birthday (:
Her kecohrable aunty,herself and her beloved mum .
Dirah's happy family plus her 4 years BF,Fahnn .
we enjoyed ourself there .
Makan time && it is soo good of them to serve us .
Oh yes,us squeezing inside Ida's dad's car (:
it was my veryy first time to Downtown East and i was sooo like jakon,ok diam . the place was so damn fucking huge . it can fit Escape Theme Park,Wild Wild Wet,the mary-go-rounds,the shopping places,the eating places,the hanging out places,chalets,swimming pool and oh wow . it was sooooooooo great! Syazwan,bring me there soon ok? haha,kidding . so i was like,oh then i know Downtown was like this . those Costa Sand stuff . haha,funny . so yeahh,we had a fun at Dirah's chalet .
we met some of the bloggers and Dirah's frens and they are all gorgeous . serious . gorgeous like those models . especially Ilah,Dirah's bestfriend . Dirah herself,Flyzah,Shab,Alley and Shasha are wow . oh yeah,i met Khairul Anwar,Ciko and if not Kasraeel would be there . but i went home already . oh well,im not that interested in taking pics with them although they are called superstarr now (:
soooooooooo many coincidence happened . and i felt as if im in the air,flying . up the blue blue skyy,floating . what i dreamt of,what you dreamt of . what i did and what you did . well,there's something behind it all (:
currently busy making my dance songs . remix them all . i need to choose the nicest among the nicest song to dance . i need to find the hotest among the hotest dance steps to perform . to think of what we're wearing on the actual day . to think of what our group name would be and stuff . great thanks to Zanna & Lina for helping me finding the Luamky's dance steps . they effing cool . to Ifah,continue practising the dance steps and do catch upp with the new ones . to Yana,pandai2la kau kayoh ngan Ifah . to Atie,i will only let u dance if you're well,if not,no way .
to Fikah,tolong la cari dance step baru ke,tolong org ke . asyik2 nak relax je tk buat ape2 . serabai ehhh . bingit jugak aku kadang2 . to Jolie and whatever your name is,welcome to our dance crew . and gyeahhh,im farking tired remixing all of my dance song without any help from anyone . wth . && yeahh,hope Prakash will do the touch upp soon enuff . && im farking stree about it yaw!
oh yes! i get to go OBS Camp like finalyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! woohoo! && i cant wait for it . the sooner it is,the sooner we gonna fast and the sooner i cn eat Dendeng at Geylang Serai lorr! haha! but hell yeah,im afraid im gonna be farking dark . what's better someone gonna miss me then,kidding (:
That's all for todayy . sorry for the fucking stuff . was soo stress over so many stuff and yes! tomorrow's gonna be my LAST NDP Training . and im soo freaking scared if i cant do the job well . oh yeah,my chinese drama at 7 is loveeeeee (:
Saranghaeyo (: