;Tell me something gorgeous baby!

Current Caption: You'll never knew it unless you try it!
yeaaaaaaaaaaaay! like finally im done with BANGS . okaay,people say i look like Nicole Scherzinger! *faints faints faints* haha . lagi-lagi Qiss,say i look like twins die . haha . cute you la Qiss! =) && gf,thanks for being the FIRST one to say yes to bangs for me! hehe . well,im satisfied though! and it's like,this is my first time getting my fringe cut without REGRETS not did i CRY . haha . satisfying .
sooooooooooooo,im going out for a DATE again with PrettyBoy Syah one of these weekdays! haha . annnnnnnnnd,we're going to somewhere special and a nice place to have our dinner! weeeeeeee! all of Dilla's idea! andand,chocolates for you tooo baby! and,oh yeah! Fahmy asked me out for a date too . andand,fahn too . including Firdaus . and lastly, _____ . okaaay,Dilla's gonna be dead sooon . haha! well,whatever it is,Issyah's still gonna be the one . okaay FULLSTOP .
it's 1246hours on my desktop now and im not sleepy yet! haha . sooooooooo,what's for this year's Chrismas? i wanna go out ley! && new year eve baybe! wah,i guess my schedule for this week's gonna be tight! seriously tight . *faints faints faints* hahaha . well,update me for anything! school's re-opening next week! soooo faaaaaaaaast! mampos .
Chrismas=Chocolateeee! yummmmmyyyy =P