;Confession #1
No matter how angry i am,how sad,miserable,mad,pissed,unlucky,stupid,depressed,moody,marah,bingit,geram i am yesterday,
there's always gonna be a smile on my face . maybe,this could make you understand:
there's always gonna be a smile on my face . maybe,this could make you understand:
Date: 26th December 2007,Wednesday .
Time:02:30 a.m in the morning
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
eh i kaypoh can or not?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
KPO for what?
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
ur pm
ur pm
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
KPO sangat!
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
dowan tell ley!
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
why dowan tell?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
pasal dowan lor!
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
i think uve overheard it
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
when i was talking to faruq n iqa
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
what happen!?@?!?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
about my previous x WANNA DATE ME BACK! hahahahahhahaha he told me he regrets for what he had done to me and now,he wanna win me back
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
i told faruq,coz faruq knows him and he was like,mampos dilla .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,fafilla ramai peminat!
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
*faints giler*
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
ur previous hotstuff eh?
ur previous hotstuff eh?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
sort of
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
awwwwww really?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
yesyes of course! =)
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
sooo,i told him its not gonna happen
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
so many guys are after you
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
haha tapi,satu pon i dont like
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
no,thank you
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
and ure chasing a particular guy
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
hmmm guess so?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
haha ayoh
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
dont worry uh
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
dream guy sey! its infront of ur eyes already!
dream guy sey! its infront of ur eyes already!
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
i bet the guy will fall for you soon enuff
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
well,pretty hope so =)
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
dont hope uh
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
i think it already did
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
but,he likes to take things slow .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
tell him to take his time baby . im okay with everything .
issyah geiger - back to square one says:
even if it takes months?
even if it takes months?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
so long as he can accept me for who i really am,why not?
Well,that explains why i'm smiling all the today . I think should'nt elaborate more about the progression between me and him . haha . well,we had our outing/hangout again with the SVCrew to Clarke Quay . before that,we meet up at Suntec City,waited for the rest to show up . then,we proceed on for our dinner at Marina Square and then,to Wisma Orchard which is a super crowded place to pick Annie upp . We then continue on our journey to Clarke Quay . annnnnnnnnnd,camwhore and enjoy the view plus,watching the people who rides the bungy-jumping (did i spell them right?)

Snapshot #1

Snapshot #2 && i didnt know he was holding my hands,haha!

Snapshot #3

Merry Chrismas .
See,i told you they love my trademark! roooaaaaaaaaaaaar!
Moving on . Yesterday night,Issyah planned to catch a movie,online . we watched I Am Legend,which was a great and suspense movie i'd say . with great picture quality and all . so yeah,giving our comments and stuff thru msn,which we acted up like as if we really are watching together,side-by-side . haha . Will Smith,The last man to be standing on earth and that was his legend . Light up the darkness,fulled of zombies and viruses . should catch them though .
Ratings: 8.5/10 .
Labels: The wonderful feeling of love .