Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- b,can do me a favour?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- yeah?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- sing me a nursery ryhme song . pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- why baby?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- i miss nursery rhymes =(
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- baby,you're random eh
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- just sing any rhymes that u know! own time own target hor!
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- that's #1 . i want abc song now can?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z
now i know my abc,
next time won't you sing with me
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! && now,can i have baba black sheeeeeep?
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- baa baa black sheep have you any wool?
yes sir yes sir three bag full
one for ma master and one for the ______
and one for the little boy who live down the drain
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- i'm not sure if lyrics is right . hehe
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- nevermind looooorrr . and lastly,i want any other nursery rhymes that u have in mind!
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- one little two little three little indian
four little five little six little indian
seven little eight little nine little indian,
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- yeaaaay! thanks alot baby! i love you((:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- baby you seriously alright?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- im fine loor! i want jokes now,please?
....................... and the list goes on and on and on and onnnn . Friday means meeting HatimSexy day! pick me up from school tomorrow at 1245 hours will you? i miss you like alot although the last time i met you was on tuesday =( soo,shall see you tomorrow,then? and oh,no matter how you am gonna interrupt me whenever i read it or when i am browsing thru all of the pictures i have,im still gonna get this one thing is mind which is: he loves me more than anything else and i know he DOSENT lie cause i've known him for 3 years now,eversince 2005 . thanks for making me jealous and hey,i don't know what's your motive of doing so((: