FLIQ bby . i love her alot,i mean ALOT((:
saturdaaaaaaaaaaaaay night! jamming session . hangouts with PS . out with Hatim . i missed that yesterday man! damn . blame it on my so-stupid-punye-gigi-yang-sakit-tak-tahu-macam-ape =) i'll make sure,this coming saturday,for sure im gonna hangout with you guys! like,seriously . i miss you guys alot sia . especially watching the cuteness of Nunu and Vam andand watch them shuffle macam orang tak betol sikit . korang cute laa,haha =p
suuuuuuuuuup . it's Ilyana's 6 months ann with Ais! last long okay babygirl! and so,ive been spending my time again doing that something nice and it's ALMOST DONE this time round! prolly,by tomorrow everything should be fine with the exception of the pictures which has not been printed out,damn . oh yes,early in the morning today,went out with cousins to go for a swim over at Jurong East (i hate to swim there though) . but fortunately,there's not many people there as we reached around 9+ . great isn't it? indeeed it is . you can swim in peace,haha . so,yeah . start packing up around 12+ and went to Jurong Entertainment to have our lunch at LongJohnSilver! and,nothing's better than that!
SANDALS SANDALS SANDALS! like finally i repeat,FINALLY,my sister bought them for me! oh,thanks baby((: she just got her pay and it's nice to her to buy for me one as she knew all of my slippers are torn and all (dont laugh) . which actually made me wore my younger sister's one . kau bayang kan la,kaki die lagi kecik dari aku punye sia . kaki aku tak nak macam besar la pulak,kan? haha . sooooo,yeaaaaaaaah . it's been ages since i last went for threading . so,i think i have to go get my eyebrow done later on over at Gombak since im buying our dinner there too! Lina/fliq,tag along,can? =)
labels: 25 hours and 16 minutes more! later! *kening naik-naik*