I cant believe that im still slacking at home although its SATURDAY NIGHT today! ohmygod . haha . i don't know why,but i seriously hope im not having some-kind-of-stupid-sleeping-disorders . like seriously,i've been sleeping since just know without me realising it . boyfriend's out for his jamming session with his bandmates and now,he's hanging out with them at Esplanade's Rooftop . how i wish i was there in your arms,baby =(
i'm seriously not trying to find fault with anyone but i seriously don't understand the purpose of people going here and there to spam . well,i mean . yes,prolly one of their reasons for doing that is because they actually hate the person and that's why they spammed and all . i know cause i admit,i've done them once,previously . well,this is kinda typical nowadays,i know . but,sometimes if you really hate that person or something,you CAN always approach him/her and get things right . but one thing for sure,if you really hate the person you hate,there's always EXTENT to everything you gotta say . i'm very particular when they talk about VIRGINITY . like seriously . it's like as if you wanna bring the person that you hate,their dignity down .
think again . i know,im not suppose to be here,typing down all sorts of things like all this but i seriously cant help it . FLIQ IS MY BESTFRIEND . i cant possibly let/ignore people who says that kind of stuff about her . you people might say,it's NONE of my business and there's no need for me to say anything about this but hello,try putting yourself in other people's shoes and then,you'll understand . im mad and angry,i ADMIT . of course i do! but,i know where i stand and there's no need for me to type down vulgarities here cause it'll get to nowhere . also,it'll actually make the situation go worst . so,to the person who spammed me,thanks for the words and everything . but hey,get this right . although i've fought with fliq before,that dosen't mean im gonna hate her all of my entire life! like seriously,if you know who i really am,you'll understand . cause' if i dont like that person,for sure im gonna tell him/her that i dont like them .
and if i do,im gonna make sure no one's gonna destroy our friendship,like now . if i dont like fliq,ive already told her in advance and also,i wont be here/close with her . think about that . it applies the same for fliq or in fact everyone . so,there's no reason why she should ditch me or so,and also,there's no reason why i SHOULD ditch her before she's gonna do one for me . like c'mon,why should we do that? all of us are grown up and we know what we should/shouldn't do . by now,we CAN already think what's the very best for us . like seriously . it's totally common sense! =) and to the other spammer,if you don't like hatim saying iloveyou to me,that's none of my business cause there's no reason why you shuold feel gross . be jealous kid .
BOTTOMLINE: FLIQ is my bestfriend and i'm free to make a choice for myself . and there's no need for you guys to feel pity towards me cause i DONT need your sympathy . thanks alot . and yes,i seriously know what im doing . by the way,thanks for saying im gorgeous but i know i'm totally not =) that applies the same for "hotter than you" . well,i guess you're waaay hotter than other people,right? how i wish i know who you really are .