White lies,just for once . spent time with boyfriend yesterday over at the rooftop to kill time . i asked him to bring along the 106 paper heart-shapes that i folded for him on Valentine's Day,yesterday so that i can continue on writing the sweet words/phrases on it and also,told him to bring along the Valentine's Day card i did for him . after then,we talk to each other under the no-so-bright-sun and hey,it's windy up there if you wanna know! i like . so,yeah .
Tricks,just for this once . im playful,im naughty and im super duper mean to hurt boyfriend with my stupidsillybloodyhell april fool's tricks . stupid me . well,i didnt expect this thing would be that serious and hey,i didnt even think it will go to this extent! im sorry baby,i really am . like for real . i SWEAR i wont do this kind of silly tricks ever again,promise . and what's worst,i even forgot that BOYFRIEND CANT GET STRESS or else,he'll get his chest pain which may actually lead to hospitalisation! im in dead meat . like seriously,how on earth can i forget even about THAT SIMPLE THING? told you,im MEAN! super mean . im sorry baby . i didnt mean it actually,seriously =(
BOTTOMLINE: I'ts just another stupid april fool's trick from me and i swear i wont do it again . im sorry for becoming so playful today baby . i love you baby . sosososo much,for real . you're mine forever .