i love the picture above! *senyum lebar-lebar macam THE ROCK*
Hello rainy days! =.= it wasn't supposed to be rainy days though . what a climate . well,nevermind . i still enjoy the coldness here at home which actually lead me to flu and stuff (sheesh) . Nothing's been doing great . i mean,nothing's new . slack at home and rot,that's all . well,i myself not sure what i should post for today's entry actually . i've been staring at this blogger thing for more than 15 minutes =.= haha .
11 March 2008,tuesday . spent our time at East Coast instead of Sentosa (like again) . we have myself,hatim,ifah,izuan and afiq jackass along . just the five of us though . well,i gave a small tiny lil surprise for boyfriend to start off my day! i went over to his place which ive NEVER gone before over at Jurong East and yeah,fortunately i drop down the bus at the correct place! pheew . okay yeah,back to it . surprise and all,i left a note at his door and then,the staircase and then next to the lift . he was super shocked when he saw me standing 1.68m tall down at his block! never did that before,i love you baby((:
then,we're freaking late! in fact,30 minutes late! haha . after then,we proceed on to Bedok and take the bus to east coast and all . well,thank god Izuan came up with the idea of bringing a tent incase it's gonna rain there! so,yeah . after pitching up the tent and all,the guys started to swim while me,still figuring out what the hell should i wear to swim! i lost my black short pants,then i asked ifah to bring for me one . she did brought them,but it was freaking small and it actually tears when i wear them! (okay,shut up . im not fat okay!) haha . which end up,i wear my blue converse short boxer and a shirt to swim! haha
overall,i did enjoy myself i guess? haha . despite the heavy rain and stuff . well,i think there's gonna be better days up ahead when we could spent our time all together over at the REAL SENTOSA on a BRIGHT SUNNY day,one day! and yeah,im really looking forward for the particular day! =) soo,do keep me update if u wanna plan about it and all! well,nothing seems better when i getto spent all of my time on your lovely arms baby((: i'm sorry,there's no pictures as none of us brought the camera! sorry .
in 09 hours and 07 minutes,it's gonna be my VERY FIRST MONTH ANN with boyfriend! and so,happy FIRST month in advance baby! how fast the time flies and now,i felt like as if im with u for like 3 years already! haha . may our love stay strong and yes,i love you sososo muchh baby((: so,what should i give you for our first ann? *thinking*
PS: tomorrow,saturday and sunday is my busiest day of my life! cousin getting married and yes,school re-opening very soon! ceepatnyer! =(