Not literally stated as it is simply because i behaved very well these few weeks . how was my day today? it's really nice of my cousin,Abang Fazly to treat me and my other cousins to watch Iron Man together down at the Plaza Singapura's Golden Village . after then,we headed to Pizza Hut for our meals and walked around . all i could describe today's outing was CRAZY nak mampos! we talked and laughed non-stop starting from the very start . we can even laughed over small stuff . how crazy can i actually be? laughed and laughed although i already wanted to pee inside the train,cannot tahan already! andand,what really funny was,the 7 of us looks like as if we're having some school excursion with the principal,vice-principal and the pupils! haha,sengal =) okay,semue,walk in 2 rows and then hold hand,okay? =PPP
Iron Man's ratings is 4/5 . the show was really GREAT! should watch it though! ive never liked these kind of superheroes movie but this movie really awesome,although i find it some-kind-of-boring-tak-tahu-macam-ape in the starting . yet,it really pulled it off really well . should catch them,really really . the effects and all was really cool =D im amazed! and oh,What happened in Vegas,NEXT! that movie seems really nice! B,let's catch them together with me! sooon,okaaay? =DDD

Dear Hatim-shii sarang,
again,i admit it was my fault . no,really really . it was mine . the harsh words,i raised my voice towards you,getting mad with unreasonable reasons,get angry without thinking,i broke my promise for the very FIRST time with the guy im in love so much and stuff . you're disappointed in me,well im disappointed in myself too baby . last night's mess,really it was MY FAULT and never been yours . sometimes,i just felt ashamed to asked you for another chance again and again . im sorry baby . from now on,im gonna make sure everything will NOT be repeated . action speaks louder then words,i know . i'll make sure whatever i said,i mean it . b,im a mean girlfriend i know . at times,i THINK you deserved someone BETTER then me . but,when i came to think again about it,no one's better then me like you said before . i love you so much as no words can really describe how much you mean to me . i dowanna lose you,really =( im really sorry . oh my,please forgive me =( *insert a really really really sad face* whatever i said yesterday,it really hurts me to say that to you . i dont have any intention to make you feel that way . im waiting for your message and calls tonight baby . *shedding my tears again and again*
From the lovely one,
labels: im not gonna repeat that again baby .