I shall not talk anything about my paper for today,which i've got 'cheated' on,pathetic =.= and so,my fingers are itsy bitsy itchy to look for a new blogskin and get them change . i've been spending a few days,finding the simple and the nicest ones and,taaadaaaaaaaaaaaaa! here you are! =DD i've been asking people around,okay bedek . ONLY Lina and Hatim,how does my blog look like and they say it's fineee! *relieved* yeay me! I LOVE MY BLOGGY SOSOSO MUCCH! =DDD
#1 -
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- baby! see my blog,can or not? heh . my fingers itchy2 want change the skin! if not nice,tell me lor ~ IF NICE TELL ME ALSO! =P
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- its nice la baby
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- yeaaaaaaaaaaaay! clever girlfriend of yours!
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- simplicity is the new "gorgeous" like you baby((:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- and to me, simplicity IS the new gorgeous
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- i have a simple yet gorgeous gf
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- yay mee!!!! ((:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- what onlyyyyyyyyy!! -bluek
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- correct ah
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- you also!!!! SIMPLE YET SOOOOOOO HOTHOTHOT! i likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- hahaha we are so meant to be with each other la baby
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- sososo meant to be with each other without a doubt =DD
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- yeah baby((:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- i love you la okay!
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- i love you too la okay!
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- you and you and you and you and you and just you and only you(((:
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- eh! i spelled "just" rightly
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- HAHA! like finally sey b! =P
# 2 -
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- baby,i want hug u already =(
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- miss you terribly now *insert a really really really sad face*
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- aww ma baby ..
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- i miss you too la baby,soso much
09 xXx ][ WonderBoy ][ xXx 09 ][ Live free or die hard ][ says:
- i also nak hug you
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- tomorrow looooor then lor~
................... and the list goes on and on . i'm just plain bored,like seriously . Hatim-shii is resting after going offline . he's having a fever now =( oh my . get well soon baby! and now,let's talk about something else . one thing to take note; i've been spending whole of my time,squeezing my brain juice to find beautiful phrases for my lovely boyfriend and then,jot them down on the pices of paper i folded specially for him . what im trying to say was,i just hate it when i've already spent my precious time doing all that,and then,some peple just steal them away from me,without feeling shameful . it's my HARDWORK,and girl,do you know what's the meaning of that word? this thing is kinda small to talk about,but hey,i just dont like it and i seriously DON'T . girl,do some self-search on you and please,stop all this nonsense . YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE,ASS! *roll eyes*
labels: all i wanna do next wednesday is to catch the sunsets with you at the rooftop . and us,lying down side-by-side and watch the skinning starts twinkiling up on the sky and tell each other different kind of cute stories,on 14th May 2008 =)