This is my little one . Riyan,my nephew . he's turning 3 years old this 10th August . he's ONLY 3 years old yet,he's already BOTAK! haha . thanks to the daddy,he really has got nothing to do and just shave his head off! (dah tak ade kerje teros) . and as for you boyfriend,BOTAK=STRICTLY NS ONLY hooor! if not,i'll makesure i bite bite you! roooaaar ^_^ his family came over to my house last 2 days after his school to have dinner together and after that dinner,i was bored and so,i snapped his cute pictures! there you go,macam-macam posing pon ader lor =)

when he laughed,this is what he did! cover the mouth . hah

Riyan suke touch-touch? =DDD

this is his trademark pose while taking pictures! =)

korek-korek hidung hidung =P

well nie bukan ape . cume mentel jer =P
just woke up from a very good sleep . thanks to Hatim-shii who really asked me to take a nap as im having a bad gastric . with that,i had a very bad gastric while on my way back home from the library . Hatim-shii was all worried,what's more,me? it is all because i didnt ate my lunch earlier on as i thought im gonna be late for the surprise im doing for boyfriend . i rushed over to his place,with my empty stomach and tadaaaa! im infront of his house already! and,he was all shocked (the usual) sorry for lying to about telling you im at gombak instead of your place! heh . kate SURPRISE what! =) after then,we headed to the library to study alogn with Lina,Reezan and Fikah! POA POA POA POA! i just love POA! =DD

this is his trademark pose while taking pictures! =)

korek-korek hidung hidung =P

well nie bukan ape . cume mentel jer =P
&& that's the reason why he is one of my most favourite nephew . thank god his house is just few blocks away from mine! andand,.i CAN meet him anytime i want to! he's adorable,don't you think so? =)
just woke up from a very good sleep . thanks to Hatim-shii who really asked me to take a nap as im having a bad gastric . with that,i had a very bad gastric while on my way back home from the library . Hatim-shii was all worried,what's more,me? it is all because i didnt ate my lunch earlier on as i thought im gonna be late for the surprise im doing for boyfriend . i rushed over to his place,with my empty stomach and tadaaaa! im infront of his house already! and,he was all shocked (the usual) sorry for lying to about telling you im at gombak instead of your place! heh . kate SURPRISE what! =) after then,we headed to the library to study alogn with Lina,Reezan and Fikah! POA POA POA POA! i just love POA! =DD
and tomorrow,i wanna eat Long John Silver badly! like seriously,its been sometime since i last ate them! around 2 weeks ago? oh,i miss LJS alot =( combo combo combo one! =P andand then,im gonna play THE SWINGS! haha . yesyesyes! swings at the best place ever! =DDDD you can't imagine how happy i can actually be over just small things! hehe . omg,how random i can be? i love you baby,you're willing to accompany me! i like~ thanks alot alot giler =) *grins widely*
labels: count the total number of roses in the whole wide world .