07th February 2008,Thursday . Chinese New Year =)
Fliq,Dilla,Hatim,Nunu and Vam . isn't it supposed to be triple date,and where's Kye? =PP
it was like 2458789735248 months ago,ohmygod . got them from Nunu's friendster when i viewed her profile yesterday and you cant imagine how shocked i am when she uploaded that picture there . how nicee =) and now,the things that happened on THAT particular day really came back into my mind and it is still fresh till now,really . i wish i could turn back the time but,it's better to be owned by him,right now! =DD
By then,i've already told Hatim-shii that my life is all about him right now and i seriously wanna treat him greatly as i know that he deserved to be treated greatly by me without regrets . it was then,when we both DO like each other but at that point of time,i've not confessed to him that i've started to feel the sparks between us although we've known each other for like,3 years now? but,he already told me he DOES like me and sometimes,he just get jealous when i blogged about my ex-date then,Issyah . andand also,i thought that it's gonna be super early for me to say that . and so,i just keep it to myself and wait till i find a nice suitable date to tell him about how i felt towards him,then .
Triple Date,East Coast . before that,i was surprised,why on earth am i sharing my Nasi Ayam with extra chicken with him? and,he's feeding me like whooaaah! =D continue on our journey to find a cab and heed to our destination,East Coast . without me realising,i was holding his hand? ohmygod,how nice can it be? reached,days getting darker and darker each minute . we're at the far end and we couldn't catch the sunsets =( but still,we can see together for ourself,how gorgeous the sky changed slowly . only the two of us . i'm getting exhausted and his lap was the place where i lied down to rest . uncomfortable . i get up and rest on his shoulder,he hugged . twice,how much nicer can it be? you couldn't imagine what was i thinking then!
skip that . the world started to spin around and he's the only one who revolves around me . only him and just him, that's what i was thinking at that point of time . i was telling myself,how lucky and how nice will it be if he really is my boyfriend at that moment . how nice =) again,everything just turned out really well although i wasn't expect that to happened at that particular day . thank god,HE showed me the right choice . walked back home,he gave the kiss and then,i started to feel that; oh god,he's the only thing that i ever need in this world as i've never ever felt this way before! what are you trying to show me,god? show me something nice and tell me,what should i do,next? am i supposed to tell him that i don't wanna lose him as he meant alot to me? should i?
" Hatim sayang kamu " . that's what he said on the myspace message he sent to me later that night after reaching home . i was like,i bet there's gonna be real soon baby =DD that's what i replied in that message the next day . two days passed and i've made up my mind to tell him how much he meant to me and guessed what? HE TOLD ME HE LOVE ME! *grins widely* ohmygod . how great can it be? no,really really =DDD but,i didn't said the same thing back to him,i just kept quiet and tears roll down my cheeks . that was my FIRST time crying after someone told me he love me . never been that way before . Valentine's Day . he CAN really really really read my mind! we got official and that's the day when i told him im soo much in love with him . 07th February,i just love that day,so much . with an addition,on that day itself,i've started to love not only Hatim-shii but,Fliq too! that's the day when i know that's she's a very good friend of mine,she's nice =DD although some people dislikes her,so what? i still love her though =)
it's been 3 months now,our 90th days together . you cant imagine how much my love for you had grown stronger and stronger each day baby . the sketch book,it really tells everything but still,NO amount of kisses,hugs,numbers or words can REALLY describe how much and how deep my love is towards you baby . no,really really . thanks for making everything happened for me,for yourself and most importantly,for US . i love you baby,sosososo mucch((: *kisses*
labels: long post,Fafilla! =D a promise is a promise . it is a really BIG thing and you know,once i promised,that's it . you're mine FOREVER and not anyone else's,FULLSTOP =)