better go switch on your television to that channel! its the-bomb! one of MY MOST FAVOURITE movie ever! i swear it's gonna be a nice and hillarious onee! trust me! =DD
andand b,you better watch them hor! if not,im gonna lend you my dvd and let you watch them! haha =PPP im all excited when this movie is showing on tv! likewise for White Chicks,previously! Gaylord Forker is totally HOT! =D
in addition,it's weird . there's a weird sound outside at during wee hours last midnight . goosebumps . spooky and totally weird . oh god,tell me what's that? *scared* =( maybe,it's just one of my imaginations? well,i dont think so . what's about the moving mouse? oh man!
labels: i've been doing them eversince i knew my boyfriend from the VERY START . im not following YOU,as that's my nature . and he,didnt even taught me on doing that as im the first to do that to him . ive been doing them not only to him,in fact to EVERYONE since i was little . be it MEOW or ROAR,please .