Yesterday,my little sister was busy browsing through her friendster profile and she went to viewed our cousin's . and i was so freaking surprised to look at Riyan's old & new photo(s) that is uploaded there . without sparing any seconds,i straight away take them and place it on my folders on my desktop . you can't imagine how many gazillion(th) times i said to myself,how much cuter can my nephew be? well,see the leg lor . the aunty's here is cute,so he looks good too lor~ just kidding =PP

washing machine not only can clean clothes,well him too! =P

&& tell me,which baby wears shades at a very young age? with pacifier lagi,how cool?

not a problem at all as he can be chucked into anything at anytime!
over at Impian Emas's mini pool . how much cuter can he actually be?

he was up for a performance few months back and he wore PINK? (of all colours sey) && at the VERY young age,he was told to wear specs and the degree is super high *faints* somewhat,he looks like Harry Potter,right?

the father's hands is itsy bitsy itchy and cut his hair botak,now! got nothing else to do like that .

the new Trojan advertisement!

andand,tell me how can i not stop saying how cute he really is every time i look at his pictures? ohmygod
i can't help it,really can't help it . i wanna upload his pictures as many as possible and let you guys take a look,how cute my nephew can actually be at the age of 2 years and 9 months! he's like the cutest thing ever,so do Hatim-shii kun ^_^ that kid,i really wanna meet him up soon and pinch pinch pinch him! padahal,he stay blocks away from my home and i can meet him anytime i want to! haha
it's been 4 days since i officially changed into a new phone . and,after boyfriend keep on asking me diedie to change as the reception for my previous Samsung phone is terrible . and the sound tends to disappear every now and then . you can't imagine how irritating it can actually be! only,the boyfriend knows . and so,after boyfriend persuade me for 534847215878 times to change the phone into E65 (my mum's previous phone,she changed to a new one too!),i then make up my mind and said YES after my mum questioned me for upteen times! ohgod . it's not that i dowanna change for a new one,i've been wanting to (especially to Motorola Razor) but i just dowanna delete the 300 over messages the boyfriend sent me all this while . yet,i've deleted them cause he said,the messages CAN be collect,again . no worries =) selamat picture quality die bagus! kalau nak,memang nak kene sembelih! =PP
so wassup? finally,im gonna love my schedule for next week,really! public holiday on the monday,planned to go on cycling with boyfriend at the new Brickland road till Choa Chu Kang Ave 4's park,chicken chop over at SureBagus on the wednesday with Hatim-shii as i've been craving to eat them for a long time! sec4's excursion trip to Kampung Glam (like finally there's a trip to somewhere!) and then,it's fridaaay! tadaaaa! the last day of school! okay,although it's not officially the LAST day and we'll be conducting the HELP programme for the sec 4,i still am gonna feel muchmuchmuch relieved . no more stress over the subjects and yeay! holiday is coming and so do Great Singapore Sale! (okay,aku broke habis) =( still,i HAVE to study and do lots and lots of revision over the holidays and to spent my time at home,WISELY . better do FAFILLA! =PP
labels: nibble nibble nibble nibble that .