If you could count all the stars in the sky,
all the grains of sands at the seashore,
all the roses in the whole wide world
and all the smiles you've seen before,
then you'll have a sample of how much i love you baby .
Courtesy of Kaisha Alexandria for the cute picture . It's the 120th day today! *grins widely* blogger is really pain in the ass . i have to resize that picture and upload them at photobucket and get the codes,ohmygod . really troublesome yet,i don't really mind =) so,4 months hor? it's really great,thanks alot . yes,we still have long way to go before we could turn our dream into reality =) and so,me and boyfriend have been talking about ALOT of stuffs . especially me going into ITE after graduating,going into Higher Nitec (thanks mom,but no O's for me) . wearing skirts below my knees with those gorgeous skate shoes,how cool? okay,where's my skate shoes? and how on earth can i forget to whom i lend them to? haha . okay,i seriously think i need to but a NEW SKATE SHOES,i don't care . brown or black&white . but,not for the time being cause i'm preparing aLOT,literally aLOT of things for 20th August 2008 . eh,why eh? *action-action macam terpelecok kat escalator* asal eh? eh eh eh eh? haha =P so,save money for the things and arrangements that have to be done and better get them done first before i spent MY money with something else . after then,let's go for a hair makeover! hair straightening,yeay! =DDDD
of course,besides that we talked and talked about alot more things,which kind of personal so i don't think it's a good idea to share although this is the place where i share my stories and stuffs,understandable . YESTERDAY . let's talk about yesterday . Hatim,Reezan,Haiqal and Bob had their soccer game over at Goodview street soccer court . it's been sometime since i went there,though . anyway,Lina was there too . like usual,i was late! they went over and played a few games with some unknown malay and indian guys . all i could say about soccer game,was BORING! i swear . i NEVER like,much more LOVE soccer -.- unless,Christiano Ronaldo is there,thanks . unlike rugby match . haha . and then, Lina went off and then,we hangout at the rooftop and they played card games . after a week of not meeting,it's a long time though . i had enough,no more please? thanks =DDD and now,let's find something to eat! stomach's angry! (stomach buat muke garang) hahaha,nonsense .
Thanks Zanna . and now,i'm told to list down 20 RANDOM facts about myself:
1. I'm turning sweet NC16 on 08th october this year! (incase you don't know my birthday)
2. I talk alot,aLOT like a mak nenek,i swear .
3. I'm NOT crazy/a sex maniac when i talk about SEX or pornography,im just being playful
4. If you were to have meals with me,you'll definitely tend to get mad towards me as i took at LEAST 30 minutes to finish up a meal . i took a long time to eat,welcome! =)
5. I love anything that simply got to do with fashion and designing .
6. I'm tall,i think so . is 1.66m tall for a girl like me?
7. I have a almost-perfect-kind of boyfriend .
8. I have a BIG and HAPPY family (include those nephews,niece,cousins,uncles and aunties)
9. I'll talk to myself when i'm bored and that doesn't even mean that i'm crazy or something .
10. I'll start singing stupid songs or whatsoever when i'm sleepy (which i can't bring myself to sleep)
11. I have a mile asthma,which i think not MILE anymore,but a BAD one . inhaleeeeeers! -.-
12. I have a long hair,which can covers my n.i.p.p.l.e when i bathe (see,i'm playful)
13. I have gorgeous and crazy people around me and i'm thankful for that .
14. I'm absolutely a very nice and friendly person on earth .
15. Yeay me! i'm a very good girlfriend too! kan baby kan kan kan? =DDD
16. I have 2 pacs on my body and i have abs abs abs abs abs! sexy hor? i don't think so .
17. I don't have a sexy leg and i wish for one! can i have them develop soon,pretty please?
18. I have one skate shoe,ONLY . and i'm hoping for more! buy for me,caaaaaanzxzxzxzxz? haha
19. I HATE,totally HATE cats! cause they're MEAN although i find them cute sometimes .
20. I'm not a bad person,i swear =) and don't you worry about that!
labels: Last night,i look up into the sky and match each and every star with the reason why im in love with you . i was doing very well,till i ran out of stars . cause' i have 1001 reasons why im in love with you baby,and that's true .