ehh B,i'm dying to play hide-and-seek! want play hide-and-seek with me or not next week? =D
Hey lovelies! its been a long time since there's updates in this rusty-busty bloggy of mine! the stupid internet connection been really suck since wednesday's night . very very bad i'd say and there's not even an internet connection sign . basket nak mampos . moving on . everything been very fine for me,in every perspectives . be it friends,family,schools,activities,preparations,saving money (if u have problems in saving money,don't hesitate do look up for me! HAHAHA!) and ya lor,simply everything . today,it's FRIDAY! thought of tagging along with the boyfriend for November 19 and PS's jamming but my Cute Riyan is coming over! alahai kecik,selamat kau chomel lau tak,tak kuase aku nak layan kau! haha =P
on the other hand,we've been doing very well for every of our subject . yes,not only me but the friends around me too . the great people((: although we sometimes tend to doze off in class,but still we enjoy studying! especially when disturbing Ifah! haha . that Ah Moi Chantik ahh,memang lah . and,as you guys know,that Ah Moi loves me! kalau tak percaye,tanye saye lor! haha . okie dokie,i dowanna make you guys bored and so,i was tagged by my sexy wexy Fad to do some surveys! oh yes! i enjoy answering surveys ALOT! soooo,yoooooo walllaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! =DDD
001 - Real name:
- Nur Adilla Binte Ramli .
002 - Married:
- NOPE . i waaaaaaaant,in 8 years time! *kening naik-naik* joking lah!
004 - Zodiac sign:
- Libraaaaa!
005 - Male or female:
- Female fatalee baybe! =DD
010 - Hair colour:
- Dark dark dark natural brown nigga!
011 - Long hair or short hair:
- Long baybe!
012 - Smoke:
- Cigarette smoke sucks! but i find HOT guys who smoke,look extra hot when they smoke!
013 - Drink:
- Pepsi & Coca cola! hahaha . never ever ever gonna drink . if not,the poeple around me gonna kill me! especially the sexy boyfriend .
014 - Available:
- Ape kau pikir aku nie barang kat kedai runcit ke? available ke tak . NO HOR!
015 - Are you a healty freak:
- HEALTHY? i donnoe . im having a BAd asthma,so NO LOR!
016 - Height:
- 1.66 m! i wanna grow taller,moreeeee!
017 - Do you have a crush on someone:
- ALEX TURNER!! forever and ever! only Hatim knows,hahahaha =P
018 - Do you like yourself:
- If i don't like myself,how in the world do i like others?
019 - Piercings:
- 2 like others lor! but i wanna pierce my balley button but i find it a waste . who wanna see my skinny body anyway? might as well use the money for Mc Spicyy! *craving craving*
020 - Tatoos:
- NOPE .
022 - First surgery:
- As far as i know,never been .
023 - First piercing:
- The ears when i was still a small little kiddy kidd!
024 - First best friend:
- Elmi Nurfiryana! when i was in primary schoool! she's HOT and i swear she's arrogant now! =( still donnoe where the hell she is AND i myself unsure if she still remember me or noe =(
025 - First award:
- When i was in primary 2! got 2nd in my malay school performances!
027 - First pet:
- Aruana .
028 - First vacation:
- Johor Baharuuuu! Hidop Malaysiaaa! hahahaha .
029 - First Concert:
- I've never been to a concert! gig pernah lah! haha . i'm still waiting patiently for Arctic Monkeys!
030 - First Crush:
- JAY ZZZZZZZZZZ! yooo mommmaaaaa! =DDDDD
050 - Drinking:
- Just had my bluberry drink .
052 - About to:
- About to what ahhhh? nothing ley .
023 - Listening to:
- Cahaya Hati's actor and actresses talking (drama lah!)
054 - Food:
- Anything except porky pork,spaghetti and pastaa . ewwwwwwww
055 - Drinks:
- Crysanthemum tea! and now,im trying to be friendly to Green Tea yo! after so long eh? haha
056 - Colours:
- Black,white,brown and yellow! red is hot too!
057 - Numbers:
- 09! My boyfriend is KPO also!
058 - Want kids:
- OF COURSE! 2 please . take note hor my husband(s) to be! especially ALEX! hahaha .
059 - Want to get married:
- Don't tell me i have to do sex with someone else and NOT my husband! what a question,maaaan!
062 - Careers in mind:
- okay a loong list for this,maaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
1. Accountant . since i'm gonna take up accounting courses in Higher Nitec in few years time and yeah,i love POA yo! =D
2. Hairstylist . but Hatim says this is a bad choice =( if i'm stuck in Nitec next year,i'll be taking up this course lor!
3. Beauty Therapist . another bad choice,says boyfriend . wanna be like mum cause i love this job!
4. Fashion Designer . me all time dream but i know it won't happen at all! =( =( =( oh my .
5. Stewardess! mummy said YES and wohoo,before getting married,of course!
6. Model! only if i have sexy wexy mexy bexy legs and body (i do,i do!) ! haha .
068 - Lips or eyes:
- Eyes cause the person whom i love doing eye contact with have a gorgeous eyes! (YOU) but lips also cause he got sexy lips . hmmmmmmmmmmmm .....
069 - Hugs or kisses:
- More for the hugs!
070 - Short or taller:
- Taller of course!
072 - Romantic or spontaneous:
- BOTH,please please please please?
073 - Nice stomach or nice arms:
- STOMACH AND ABS! sexy body baybe! arms,not THAT important for me though .
074 - Sensitive or loud:
- LOUD . cause i'm loud toooooo! very very macam Mak Nenek habis!
075 - Hook-up or relationship:
- Relationship! <33333
077 - Trouble maker or hesitant:
- Trouble maker yoo! cool per! =P
078 - Kissed a stranger:
- Kau giler?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
079 - Drank bubbles:
- Accidently swallow shampoo,pernah lah! haha,giler .
080 - Lost glasses or contacts:
- I've never wear both .
081 - Ran away from home:
- Kau nak aku mampos?
082 - Liked someone younger:
083 - Older:
- Cause i'd prefer guys who are 2/3 years older then me! (matured guys!)
084 - Broken someone's heart:
084 - Broken someone's heart:
- Hatim's? and before him,nope . they DID,but NOT me .
085 - Been arrested:
- Nope . i'm a very good girl,everyone knows that . but if you don't believe,as me lor!
086 - Turned someone down:
- ALOT of times until i myself can't count . especially last year,2007 .
087 - Cried when someone died:
- Who the hell dosen't cry when the love one died? YOU?
088 - Liked a friend:
- Not only like,but i LOVe every single lovely friends of mine! lovelove korang okay! =DD
089 - Yourself:
- Very much .
090 - Miracles:
- Yes cause it happens to me a few times before((:
091 - Love at first sight:
- Yeap .
092 - Heaven:
- YES OF COURSE cause' that's the place i'm going after world! =D
093 - Santa Claus:
- I wish,seriously i wish . HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO!
094 - Sex on the first date:
- If that person really looks exactly like ALEX TURNER! if not,no thanks! haha . joking lah! =p
095 - The more you hate,the more you love:
- Strongly believe in that . kan baby kan? the more im angry with that boy ah,my love goes deeper and deeper,i swear!
096 - Angels:
- Oh yeah! cause every night,one of them will stay beside my bed and watch me sleep and to protect me! no,really really . tak percaye sudah lor!
097 - Is there one person you wanna be with right now?
- My only lovely boyfriend lor! ehh b,if you love me,better stick with me ahhhhh! or elseeeeee!
098 - Had more than One boyfriend at one time:
- ME? are you sure? do my face look like one? but,those motherfuckers who dumped me did and that's the reason why we broke off,kan bitch?
099 - Do you believe in GOD:
100 - Tag 6 friends nigga!
1. The crazy sister,IQA!
2. Nurie!
3. Nunu! (but she confirm lazy one lah! no need ask,i knoe already!)
4. Yuhtee! (she got plenty of time!) haha .
5. Zanna! (done!)
6. IFAH! (that ah moi,memang lazy betol!)
&& few minutes ago,mama asked what curtain colour should we use for this year's Hari Raya! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,dah nak raye nampak! =DDDDDDDDDDD and if there were to be any spelling error(s),just ignore them . i'm just plain lazy to correct them,hehe((:
40 more days before the day's here! ((: