22nd March 2008,saturday . NPCC Campcraft competition .
Sports day for tomorrow . and i'm unsure if i'm supposed to be excited or what . all i'm looking for every year is the Cheerleading Competition,that's all . the rest,just sit down there like one dummy assholes and bear with the hot scorching sunny sun . and dammit,it is held at Woodlands stadium . and of all the stadium in Singapore,why the fucking hell they booked that place instead of others? aku tak paham langsung! and if the stadium is good,takper lah kan . ni tak,duduk rumah lagi cantik siak . kankankankankan kawan-kawan?
in my life,there's only one thing i don't like to get myself involve in . which is to interfere other people's problems . cause i think,humans are born with brains and i'm really sure,every single human being in this world can think properly despite your age is . and i'm blessed that although i've NOT turned 16,i CAN think properly,that's great =D cause if people were to tell me off,criticizing me about my maturity,my behaviour or my character,i'll simply ask them a question;do my face look like as if i give a fucking care about other people's life? as simple as that . and oh,sometimes i just can't stand people who declare themselves VERY GREAT and i don't fucking understand that kind of people . cause' i thought that people with no human brain have already extinct .
i'm seriously not criticising anyone right now but i just think,it'll be just great for me to let you people,who's been reading my blog know what kind of person i am (if you don't know me THAT well) . i don't get mad THAT easily . and when i am one,i won't turn mean as i don't really bite =D i won't criticize you only if i have to and only when i have good reason for it . i definitely won't turn nasty,i will only be sarcastic to you cause that's me . and if i'm not satisfied enough,i'll blog it here . the place where i pour my thoughts to but not to worry,i'm not unreasonable enough to type your name down here unless you know you're the one i'm referring to . well,you might be wondering,what the fucking hell on this universe is DILLA talking about? well,there's no need to know directly what/who/whom/where/why i'm referring to . just get your eyes stick to this fucking pc of yours and read the shits i'm talking about here,it'll be great enough . thanks alot fellas .
damn son,if only you could get your brain cells are really working,you could only think better than you are right now . you've turned a year older right now,when i've not . and surprisingly,you ought to react like a kid . oh,i'm not saying that i'm really good but,i just don't understand what the fucking hell you really want/think . no,really really . i just find you like one kind of irritating . no,really really . haiyah dingding dong . inilah kisah orang-orang zaman millennium sekarang nie . and i seriously don't know why i sound so mean like that in today's post .
labels: LET'S GET THE CAMERA ROLLING TOMORROW YO! (jadi camera woman lah jawabnyer aku) HAHA .