Just maybe,i was occupied by the horror films that my parents rented these few days and that whatever i watched,it sticks to my mind till i wanna get my night sleep . got glued with UHU glue (which apparently i pronounce it the other way round to boyfriend and that he laughed like nobody's business at me,mean guy!) back to it,prolly that's the reason lor . the scariest thing,it's all about ghosts and then i'll definitely find myself shouting "ahhhhhhhhhhhh" when i woke up and perspiring all over with and addition of having goosebumps all over . oh agony,save me from all this,please please please .
2 BAD NIGHTMARE for 2 consecutive days,it's totally terrible for me already . i don't want any of it again,thanks alot . so,after telling boyfriend about it just now when i met him up,he told me there's ONE prayers that i didnt read before sleeping,which make me have dreams everyday (MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!) be it the cheeky/romance/good/bad/nice/not nice/ETC kind of dreams and those nightmares . so,he told me to start reading the prayer tonight and everything will be totally fine =) (that's what he said!) anyway,thanks alot baby ^_^ and please,send an angel down to protect me while i'm sleeping starting from tonight,please please please .
school re-opened and i can't help but to count the number of days left for N level paper . after getting the Proof Slip which noted the dates of our examinations paper and stufs,my balls start shaking already!! (do i have balls,anyway?) HAHA,crap . but,i seriously can't wait to 25/26 September 2008,FRIDAY! cause' it's our LAST DAY in school,you! haha . i wanna get my ass out Hilly Sec a.s.a.p i swear! thanks but i know i've been repeating that again and again at every post,i'm aware . HAHA . then,just take a good look at the very last N level paper we're taking this year! 07th oct hor,the LAST paper! then,who's birthday eh the following day? sape eh,eh eh? (action-action macam terpelecok kat escalator) huikhuikhuikhuik (sound ape eh?) nonsense lah me!
Hello,my name is DILLA . i've lost alot of weight when i should gain alot of weight during the school vacation like other did! they sit at home,and non-stop chewing the chips/sweets every single time infront of the television . my boyfriend told me that my stomach getting smaller and smaller and he can't stop saying that it's still good as he can still feel my HOT abs (nonsense,don't listen to him) haha . but i agree,i DID lost alot of weight lor =( must pity myself already . what's more,now im saving up ALOT OF MONEY and when August came,i can declare myself BANKRUPT . young bankrupt lady! (huahuahua) thank god THAT someone gonna start working and get money money money(!!) cannot be stingy to me anymore (have you ever did? hmmmm) then,i don't need to fork out my money at all already! HAHA,mean siak . joking only lah dear dear boyfriend! so,if saving money have to be done right now,what's for me? can you guess? no? yes? (must not let Hatim know what i'm gonna eat for every of my breaks,if not he'll definitely nag like one mak nenek,HAHA . i know how he's gonna react already . hoho) ehh B,i save all for you okay! for THAT something nice lor~ but,no torturing myself,i know laaaaaah!
labels: tell that girl,go home and suck her mum's nipple . super unreasonable bastard . and now,it really shows that you're really _______ kind of person siak (fill in the blanks)