So,this year's Sports Day,i joined the Apache house instead of Cherokee (yeah,i bertayed cherokee already) haha . and yeah,i shall get the camera rolling now and don't you pay much attention to my face as i'm aware i didn't look that good as the sun's scorching hothothot on that day and we've been sweating non-stop! =DD
We can't bear to sit down and do nothing . instead,we went around and make some noise .
Zanna . i'm not sure if she's "pasrah" or what lah,but still she makes my day too! we both went around together like a noob,i swear .
Ifah . so does her . we went around together like a noob,still we're cooooooool! HAHA . (she act cute only lah) joking =P
uh-uh! He got a HOT body yo! O.o Zul was the Sportsman for this year!
i didn't realise about this picture . Ifah betol-betol memang tkder keje . this is what i call GAAAAAY beybeh! =DDDD (well,i don't mind putting an ugly face of mine yo!)
and them,they can't just sit down and keep quiet . going thru and fro like no one's business like that! still,they're cute,still . Stephanie & Jolie Teng!
Mdm Ramna: "and that's what im talking about NIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
(look at Zanna,macam nigga nigga habis!) HAHA . well,Mdm Ramna was giving the cheerleaders some talking and there we are,interupting her talks . cool eh?
Liana tidur ke? bangun Liana bangun . orang amek gambar tengok camera,kau tengok mane lah pulak kan .
i uploaded this to show you guys how HANDSOME Zanna is! handsome kan~ (ignore ON's face)

i just find this random shot cute . (mcm biase jgk,Ifah nyer kerje)

okay yo! let's talking about Tranjeeeet . he's from Malaysia and he's a sec 2 rugby player . he's one of the HOTEST guy in school,i can tell . and yeah,us,the gangs keep on smiling everytime we saw him . i swear,he's coooooool . (Ifah's hand)

and do you know why's her hand there? coz,she's JEALOUS i getto stand very close to Tranjeet . (Muahahahahaha!!) my boyfriend won't be mad as he himself knew about this boy .

"and kite smue,bawah tangan Mrs Yeow ahh abeh?!?!?!" says Zanna . Mrs Yeow,our principal!
Miss Pooooooooon .
Mr Bambang Purnama Putra Shakni! HAHA . my most favourite teacher in Hilly! =D and everytime when he teaches us,he won't failed to tell us how GOOD he is in his soccer game -.- crazy but still,he's the VERY BEST =D the teacher with the best sense of humour . he teaches my History by the way
and him,he likes to act cute only lah! Mr Fairuz . somehow,he's one of the HOTEST teacher in school!
when i wanna manje-manje,she's the ONLY teacher who can stand my nonsense and cheekyness . no,really really . she's the grestest malay teacher lor! Mdm Ramna .

Zanna spotted her socks and we randomly took picture with her . Liya,from Apache too!
the HOTHOTHOT Kak Ecar! i really miss her cheographing our dance moves . it's been sometime now =(
Apache cheerleaders -.- well,what makes me like this picture is Zanna's & Ifah's pose . okay,they got nothing else to do except for the "A" terbalik thing . so,how do you say it dudes? ^_^
Lakota cheerleader's . their costumes really niceee! and they look awesome with the make-upps
Fafilla & NOIZ .
and On goes like; "eh eh eh,the sky is nice lah nicee! cepat-cepat amek gambr!" dengan penuh expressi yer die berkate . sexcited eh ON!

and i didn't managed to snapped all of the houses .
Despite the bloody hell sunny day,we still enjoy our days together with the lovely people(s) . can't get our butts stick to the place and so,we planned to go around and give a helping hand to Mdm Ramna (our house mistress) pity her,she's all streesed about the stuffs and at the same time,we snapped alot of pictures . baik yang perlu dan yang tidak =D HAHA . and oh,the Cheerleading Championship goes to CHEROKEE after forever and the overall house winner goes to APECHE of course! hahaha . i didn't regret at all for changing houses okay! =DDDDD && if there were to be some SPELLING ERROR,do ignore them cause' i'm freaking lazy to give it a check . thanks yo!
labels: 51 days left for me to get everything's doneeee! wohooooo,how fast!
"" was Posted On: Monday, June 30, 2008 @18:43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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