This picture paints a thousand words,if you understand what i actually means . well,unlike other kids/student,i'm really glad that schools re-opening tomorrow . homeworks all DONE! excellent job huh Fafilla! =) well that means,starting from tomorrow,i have to put in extra extra effort than before for each and every subject(s) i'm taking especially my maths (very most important thing) . action speaks louder than words,i'm aware of that . but i've NOT been playing around this year and when it comes to studying session with friends,it means study and not anything else . i'm aware,thanks alot =D less than 3 more months before SEPTEMBER and then,we can party the whole world! ^_^ a day before my birthday,it's the LAST paper already,and tadaaa! my birthday would be definitely lucky! 3 more months to endure then,that's it! endure,just endure Fafilla .
well,i've planned to do at least 20 maths revision paper a month . by then,i'll be able to solve every question that i'm struggling with! cause' all i'm chasing for at the end of the day is 19 points and below for my 5 subjects to Higher Nitec . and i must makesure i'm not an IDIOT to get myself stuck in Nitec (beauty theraphy) when i get my ass off this Hilly Secondary School =P and if i would be THAT unlucky,i shall snip off my hair short,i swear! that's the deal O.o
I've got no one to talk about this to (the problem),excluded the boyfriend . so much more for a bestfriend/close friend -.- and i seriously don't know how you've treated it all this while . i really wonder and wonder and just wonder . well,if that's what you want,forget about it then . i don't think i need someone like him/her/you/they/them . i can be on my own and i seriously CAN . no big deal for these kind of stuffs,thanks alot -.- i wouldn't be that unlucky this time round . who eats the chilli,that person will taste the spicyness of that chilli (is it correct when i translate?) HAHA .
labels: of all the dream i can dream of in this whole wide world,i dreamt of you . does it mean,i miss you like ALOT? and as for the love one,now that you've got it,better makesure you won't be stingy towards me anymore . or elseee ... *fake angry face* ROAR! (scared right?)