the inside

Big birthday board .

the birthday presents - Spider web hoodie,Adidas jacket,hand-made 6 stalk of yellow rose,Beach slippers with friction (haha) and ORIGINAL Casio silver watch . coincidently/evetually,all of the presents i bought for him,is what he wanted all this while! what a genuis girlfriend you've got baby! hahaha =P

NEW YORK CITY? no? i tell you!

it's the amazing Singapore Flyer! =DDDDDDD

The gorgeous/beautiful/amazing/awesome/fabulous views .
please do tell him,not to act cute! hahaha,cute lah you((:
and,i'm skinnnnnnnny! wohoooo! Singapore Flyer,amazing experience,the gorgeous Singapore view in the evening,the lightings and all - SIMPLY WONDERFUL! =D really enjoyed myself and,the money spent is worth it i'd say! =DDD
after enjoying ourselves,it's time for the SECOND SURPRISE! nunu texted about them changing the venue . and i was freaking blurr on how to get there . so i lied to him,i said i wanna bring him somewhere but i don't know how to get there from the Flyer . so,i told him to bring me to Memo,the 4 Sticks at Raffles and i told him,from there,then i know the directions stuff =D and he brought me there . i was worried,if they're not ready yet . and,when we reached there,i was like,where in the world are they? and then,i saw some guys sitting down there,and Tim was like,ehh B,i think that's one of my friend . why not we go there for a while? and i said,okay looor . he then saw Nunu,the November 19 dudes all,and he was like, "wah you all wanna hangout never ask me along!" . not until i shout,HAPPY BIRTHDAY HATIM! nunu and the rest started singing the birthday song and showed the cake =]
he was all surprised as he NEVER expect such thing to happened . and he was like,hugging and thanking me ALOT of times and now,i'm the one who felt touched . haha . and so,the guys were all crazy . smashing the cake at him and the rest . especially Kye . haha,and they were chasing each other around,very funny . overall,i enjoyed my day,of course! i've been waiting for this day to come and the surprises that i planned to happen . and it did((: i'm proud of myself and lastly,THANK YOU SO MUCH,Nunu (especially),PS and Sally,November 19 dudes for buying the cake in advance when we're broke,Noor,Imp,Ali and Reezan . simply everyone,thanks alot for sacrificing your time and making the day happened =] you guys the best,love you guys man!

Tim and Imp .

and I love you soso much,baby . you're the FIRST person i did all of this things/surprises to((: and i'm glad everything went on as planned . especially the blind folding part and i succeed in telling lies to him which he didn't even suspect anything although i've NEVER lied to him before . how cool! and yeah,hopefully,this is your BEST birthday celebration ever! i don't mind if the total amount i spent is a THREE-digits . so long as you love it,it's great enough for me,really((: and i bet,you did! thanks baby for telling me that i'm the BESTEST girlfriend (although you've told me upteen times) . i'll promise to behave well because a guy like you,is impossible to find (dowanna lose you) =] I LOVE YOU and the NO ONE will can ever replace you in my heart,for real((: HAPPY NINETEEN BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN,LOVE! =)
Labels: it was the most memorable day