Moving on . Monday was a school holiday for the student . Nunu and Tim planned for an outing for PS,Nunu and Sally with some of the guys tagging along,including my younger sister . It was a great outing i'd say,although Hafiz and Bob wasn't there (i miss Bob lah) =( everyone was crazy,especially Kye,Imp and Harun . bunch of crazy yet cool people . they were pulling each other's shorts and all,bury one another,put sands inside each other's shorts,throw small rocks at Saiful,build sandcastle with Noor and simply everything . Me,Sally and Nunu was so sure that we wouldn't even wanna get ourselves into the water . not until we see for ourselves how clean and beautiful the sea was =D although we didn't bring any extra tops and all,still,we have fun playing and swimming around . i went off earlier,after then,daddy picked me and Dian up at Harbour Front and yeah,home sweet home =D i didn't have my camera with me,so does Nunu . wasted,but nevermind . i have only ONE! =DD

Itu semue kerje aku lah,sapelagi kan (the sand-dicks) o.O . and now,i think noor looks good with the piercing on his middle-lips . good for you((: and today,accompany Timmy for his injections at Clementi and then,went to Westmall and have my Mc Spicyy (again) . it wasn't a good meeting at the middle of it,it is all my fault (the usual) . sometimes,i keep on asking myself,why does he still love me when sometimes i'm mean towards him? he's is so forgiving,nice and charming . and what about me? so weird,mean and bad girlfriend =X and if i were to ask him that,he'll definitely say,do you want me to stop loving you? NOOOOOOOOOOO!,i don't waaaant! =P i love only you lor! and oh,boyfriend's birthday celebration is ALMOST DONE,really really((: and im like,WOHOOO! its fabulous i tell you! O.O oh well,i shall share everything on 20th August itself alright? =D one of the surprises has started,which is to sing the birthday song with 9 different languages,9 days before his birthday! (as 9 is OUR favourite number) =) and tomorrow,it's Malay Prelim and ehem ehem ehem! *grins wideeeeely mcm THE ROCK* (if you smell,what The Rock is cooking) exams starts tomorrow,and i think i need a short malay revision on "peribahasa" and then,i need some rest =( the menstruation cramp is killing me (first day summore!) =S
Exactly a week more to go! =DDDD you excited not? I DO! I DO!