I'm just impressed,someone wanna be like one of us((: we're just waay to cool for them i guess . anyways,im busy with assignments - malay report on last saturday's Cultural Performances,CME Racism project,printing of preparation works,transfer the wanted printed pictures,painting the birthday surprise etc etc . and you can imagine me being a business woman like =] so,i shall be back for blogging the next time round . and B,i miss you lah =( you must meet me tomorrow cause i wanna skip NPCC (aku kan da step down?) and i don't care =P oh yes by the way,i've won SILVER for the Malay Essay Writting National Level Competition . and i don't know Hatim's girlfriend is kinda clever,isn't it? huikhuikhuikhuik =D and surprisingly,i DIDN'T doze off or even to put my head on the table while doing my revision papers during my FOUR periods of maths =] after forever,how cool?
yesterday,ive been asking opinions from 2 of my friends on how they think of the things i've prepared for that boyfriend of mine((: one thinks it is super sweet/romantic/nice/loving/great surprise and the other one would say if he were Hatim,he'll be the luckiest/happiest/or whatever boy in the universe as no girls would ever thought of doing this kind of surprise for the boyfriend as usually,guys would be the one doing them((: okay,im not quite sure if this gonna be the BEST one cause sometimes,i just thought that it's NOT enough (although there's alot of them) and sometimes,i just think that it's not satisfying . well,i shall do something about it and yeah,i'm sure to give the BEST one,ever (tau b tau tau tau!) let's hope everything will go on smoothly,although i've plan for the PLAN B if my PLAN A dosen't works . (i even have plan C on hand!) shut up Dilla,let's back to work =]
i'm left with 22 more days to get every of my preparations/surprised/arrangements done *muke frust*