FALCON clapclapclap FALCON!
The 5days OAC to Pahang, Jeram Besu was beyond awesome! Wish you guys were there to share the fun & great experience. The Paintball, Water Rafting, 4-wheel drive, Waterfall, Night cave, Jungle Trekking, Campfire and visit to Orang Asli Settlement was simply fantastic! The experience that we get & gain is definitely something we can't get anywhere else except for in Outdoor Adventure Club! :D
For the 5days, i'm sure each and everyone of us has really bond very well with one another. The sweet and sweats we shared together, it's just like us being in one great big family. How strong the bond is, no words can describe how much i really love them individually. I won't hesitate to call you guys my second family((: To my dearest group, Falcon. You guys must be a somebody~ hahahaha. Im really glad we're all in the same group! All the laughter we had, the crazy jokes and all, i can never forget them. Thanks for making them the best days ever! <:
Now that the trip had ended, i hope we still continue on the strong bond. I'm sure, after the normal training resumes, we can see ourselves as one big happy family! That's for sure. And so, i'm looking forward for the next stop, which is the BBQ Gathering this coming Saturday! Hope everything will go on smoothly and you guys still have fun, as much as you guys did during the trip. See you guys soon! XOXOXO
On a brighter/lighter note,
Labels: OAC Overseas trip #1

It's already the 20th June today. Finally the day has come, where by you havta fly off to KL and then to Perth, where else me, i'm going for my expedition with my OAC mates to Pahang. Great coincidence for our individual trip on the same timing. It was pleasantly surprising yet beautiful to have a long 3 hours conversation with you last night, which is something we have never did before. It was nice, so nice that i didn't wish to end it.
Well, now that the day we're waiting for has come, i'd wish you to have a safe journey thru and fro. I bet, you'll enjoy yourself alot down there cause you guys have no idea how much he look forward to Perth all this while. And, apa-apa pun, yang paling utama and yang paling penting, jangan sesekali lupa untuk belikan i cenderamata/cenderahati okay? Hehehehe :P I'm looking forward for your return, big time! And till we meet again after 1 long month of not meeting one another. BIG HUGS! <:
Labels: Our trip of a different timing
12th JUNE 2010,

Though it's only the 5 of us remaining,i still had fun. The laughters in the air never failed to kill the atmosphere. I had fun. They had fun. We had fun though! :D I'd love to do more of this again, where ever it might be. Just us,the OAC-ians, which i have never get bored of being around with.
Labels: b gardens
Now,take a deeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath!
Finally,i can put aside those books, assignments, proposals, lectures, papers and notes aside, JUST FOR A MOMENT. Yes you're right,just for a moment. It feels so good now that exams are finally over,and i've not nothing to worry about anymore. What's more,it's already holiday! Double the jackpot! :D It's already the end of the week,thank goodness. Saturday is it tomorrow, and we're settling down for some impromptu outing with the OAC people. Yes to town, after sometime,for myself. We'll have fun eventho' not everyone will be there. But,it's okay ;)
Next week's gonna be a fast week. Intensive training on Monday, followed by those bag packing days for 3 consecutive days. Afterwhich, we're only left with 2days to rest and there you go, our trip to Pahang. I'm feeling the vibes slowly each and everday. And of course, i'm looking forward for it big time! We'll enjoy it,definitely!
Labels: on holidays
1. Bringing back the feelings you’ve learned to forget.
2. Reminiscing the good times.
3. Trying to hide what you really feel.
4. Loving someone who loves another.
5. Having a commitment with someone that you know wouldn’t last.
6. Shielding your heart to love somebody.
7. Loving the person too much.
8. Right love at the wrong moment.
9. Taking the risk to fall in love again.
Double bold for #9 please. The ones in bold are really what im facing or shall i say,have an impact on me. Come to think of it again,it's all true isn't it. And it's also something all of us went through. It's also true what they say,don't be too nice cause people don't tend to treat you nicely like you did. Don't put hopes when you're unsure if things will turn out as the way you want it to be. But,what if the person is the one giving you hopes? And at the same time wishing you had not? Tough,isn't it?
I went through so much. I've been hurt,CONSTANTLY. I gave my best. I did what i have to. I treat everyone nicely. But all i got was shits. I'd love to give it all up,i mean i can if i want to. But thing is,am i willing to do so? Which,i don't really think so. I knew this is happening,sometime, somewhere,i just knew it. I might have like you alot,but i have never ever fall in love with you. There's a difference if you realised. And so,now that it's happening,i hope i'm not shedding a tear cause all i can say is,i'm quite prepared for this already. I'm not going to bother as much as i did,before. But,you're still someone i look up to as a person. And i shall take the best from here.
Honestly,i don't need someone to love,you see. I just need someone who is willing to be there for me,listen to everything that i have got to say,ask me how my day was,willing to spare me a listening ear when i have stacks of problems,make me smile and laugh even for the slightest thing and most important thing of all,make me feel that each and everyday is worth being alive. I might have learnt my lesson,even when i did nothing wrong. But at the same time,i wish i shall not repeat them again cause i just think i'm being too nice. Whatever it is,i'll hope i'm over it,see it in a better and positive prospectives and yes,you're still of a good friend to be around with.
Long post after so long. This week is my last week of school. Holidays starts next week but i don't think it's one cause i havta come back to school almost every single day for the Pahang Trip preparations and trainings. Sleeping in school on saturday night,wishing i could be somewhere outside hanging out with the lovelies. But OAC-ians are the people i look forward to,more. Then trip comes,we'll definitely gonna have a great time. Bonding is something i look forward to upon being there. 11days to go,and it shall all happen. And to the rest of you,happy holidays and have a great one while you can! :D
Labels: stronger as i always am

They are beautiful,aren't they? <: Anyway,their birthday falls on the same day which is on the 31st May,last Monday. I did managed to wish them on the day itself. What's more,me and Eyfar bought a small cake for Shakila (picture above) for a mini celebration :) And if you can see properly,she DO look like me and that explains why i call her Twinny. Majority thought we're twins and that we have LOTSA things in common! So many things,you wouldn't wanna imagine :D As for Zanna,i might not meet her yet,but soon perhaps! Miss you xoxo!
Labels: birthday girls
Kelong Acheh

Heh,actually there are waaaaaaay more than this. Close to 6oo pictures i'd say. But the usual,i'm too lazy to upload more than what i could. hehe. In anyway,June has arrived. I hope and i can see that it's gonna be a GOOD month for me,eventho it's gonna be a tiring and fast one. I'm going for my another overseas trip to Pahang on the 20th. And this time round,it'll be a fantastic one as i'm going with my OAC-ians. First time going overseas with friend! yeay yeay! :D
So,i see no reason why i wont love June! :D I have lotsa things to do,settle and everything else. And i hope and i'm sure i can finish them on time and handle it properly. Holidays are coming,but it won't feel like one. But it's okay! Intensive trainings are horrible but i will start loving it cause,i have a great eye-candy for that hehehehe. And so,i hope you guys will have a great June yourself! Great day!