oh hello peeps!!! =)
ehee . okok . im cheerfull to da coree todae! im happie! im excited && im everything larh senang ckp! huhu~ coz ..........................................................................
he called me olready lol yesterdae!!!!! boohooo~~~ im gladd im gladd && im gladd okeyyyyy!!!!!
ehee . okok im craziee yarrr ...... diamm uh . testing je . sooo,theres reason of him not calling me . yeahhh itz reasonable lorrr . cannot tell larhh . only Zanna noes bout it! [shhhhhh .....] sososo,,got to mit my PrettyBoy just now . he's cuteeee with his hairr . huhu~ soooooooooooooooooo,,,,,,,,,, i wont be crying again at nite ok horr . soo,no more worries! =)
i miss him leyy . ahaaa . so,kakak cpt larh kasii duit! $10 pon ok larhh aslkn ader! i want go catch a movie with him larhhh ........ can uh . eheee . im soo excited! must not missed dat movie ok . NITE AT THE MUSEUM here i cumm ....................
todaes training is soo tiring butbutbut funnn larhh . ehee . play around && blablabla ..... okok . nutting muchh to sae larh but,,yesyes i had funn . &&one thing did happen lyke wat siaaa . verrie diguisting!!! ermm . after our dismissal tym rite,we all go canteen go change uh dendenden the rest was damn bz taking pics & stuff but i didnt join inn coz malas uh . my hair is soo messy soo dowann lorr . dendenden suddenly i saw Arsyad's hand is on Zanna & he's trying to hug her i was lyke WTF???
den Zanna shout & he go away larh . den i shout . who sia want go take pic with u den hug u seyy . coz yalarh we all dont lyke him siaa . verrie disguisting guyyy!!! rite Zanna? mane taik gig lain,BO lain,gigi mcm siyal lain . huhu~ && Zanna was freak outt . pity pity my gf! baskett sia him . if he were to dat to me,i'll make sure he;s gonna go home woth one punch from me or a slap . ahaa . gonan shout at his face too! hehee . soooo,,,,, boo~~~
&& i love him okeyyyy!!!!!! lets smile okeyy? together geder aites? can larhh . thankiee euuuu!!!!

lets get siao siao . &&we shout & screamm .. bolehh? ahaa .. os;dos;tres!!!!!
okok,dats fer now,&&to the peoples dat olways care fer me n concern bout wats happening around me,thank uu soo muchh . &&keep on loving me yar! especially YOU,PrettyBoy! i Love urr haiirrrr .. niceee siaaa . kn Zanna? lawaa ehk .