sooo,,i got no other wae of thinking to get contacted with him sososo,,me & Zanna suggest to juz wait . &&if he still dosent kol me upp i got no choice but to wait till school re-open larh beb! &&i donnoe how to face each other wen dat dae cums . butbutbut,,,,im really begging to myself to pull dis things over . i cant give upp just lyke dat . simlpy lyke a snap! *snap* rite? den,,for a reason dat i didnt noe,,he did treat me dis wae . sososo,im bearing with it . &&im okeyy . im fine . okey okey DILLa,no lies! im not okeyy . i donnoe,its lyke y suddenly lyke dis siaaa .
so,,tanx to my BelovedBestiesInDisWorld,,Zanna ... tanx fer listening to dat prob of mine in detail till i cryy lyke hell . i appreciate datt . sosososo,,i came upp with on idea of writting testi to Fahmy . soooo,,i olready did dat twice,yesterdae & todae . sososo,hoppeyy hopee he's gonna call me upp soon by dat wae . *cross fingers* ...........................
&&todae i went fer training late . purposely lorr!!!! coz i dowanna miss my Drama!!! me&Zanna . den kanna scold Sirrr . suayy . i said i overslept . butbutbut,,i bedek uhh . i wake upp early horrr ... no tipu tipu! 9++++ .......
ehee . dendenden blablablablablablabla ..... go home tym!!!! cpat ehhhkk ... ehee,,rainrainrain&&rain again & again .. hmmpphhfff!!! but,me&Zanna enjoy it soo muchh . we played in the rain,laugh laugh laugh & laugh uhhh ... ehee . den saw Aidil&Asyraf . ahaa . Asyraf my farr farr farr cousin! ehee . baskett . bububu bababab bebebeb lululu lalalal . reachh home! wet lyke hell not heaven! tml cannot watch my Drama!!! babilarhh Sirrrr ! u suckksss bluekkk!!!! booo~~ i called him && his momma said;Fahmy TDOOOOO!!!!!! okeyy watevaa larh B .
soo,lets smile fer goodness sake . &&from todae i must learn to take thing easy & to smile! booooo~~~~ chipppeeaauussss ....... I LOVE YOU!!!!!

i feel lyke giving upp sumtyms but i noe,i will lose you if im gonna do it,coz my love fer u is as deep as in 7 feet underground[kubur uh sia!] ... i really love you&i beg u not to leave me . im being strong coz i wanna prove my Love fer u,only you,Fahmy . i love him okeyy!!! =)