oh hello! =)
soo basically,im sickk! gahhhhhh .... got flu seyy . den asthma . blablabla . hehe . not ok larh . yesterdae aha yesterdae i kanna dis one olreadyy . den go school lyke a nooby noob! booo~~~ cannot concentrate seyy . && PrettyBoy also sickk . yeayea . not love sickk ok . u all nyer mindset ehh . aiyoyo . && im hungry liao . ermm . at school eat also not enuff . nasi tknk sikit lg . bah! =)
soo,juz now go home,,PrettyBoy send me backk home . coz he wanted it takot i faint half-wae! eheeee . okper . nolarh,wells,da headache cannot tahan larh wei . && yeahh . me & PrettyBoy ok olready!!!!! everydae he call mee ..... weeheeee . happie lorr! =) wells,i told him la no need everydae call me coz i dowan trouble him but he wants call me 24 hours tu;oh wells,no proobby at alll!!!!! =)
oh crapp! im really having a flu now . u see later da hingus meleleh . hehe . nolarh . not dat bad ok! && yeah yeah . i got nutting interesting to blogg todae coz im sickk . anywae,i juz wake upp from slip . PrettyBoy ask me slipp & reast dats y . && he too! && im hungry beb!

i wanna have dis kinda fringe . nicee ritee? =)
dis hair is aslo nicee . wanna try? =)
okok . i wanna cut my hair butttt PrettyBoy say
"ahh . u tk mauu . jgn larh . rmbt nie kn da lawaa . no touchy2 . lau u gunting rmbt,i pon potong uh"
hehe . i scared rite? gahhh .. dowan sia PrettyBoy cut hair . later not nicee olready . hehe . yeah yeah . && i promise PrettyBoy notto cutt my hair olready lorr! boo~~~ && i also scared uh later like last tym,slh gunting den i cryy like hell . goddamitt . bah! but,i wanna cutt my frindge i dont caree . okok,goddamitt . =)
&& da picture is from FAD , tanx darl! nice rite? diamm uh . booooooo~~~~~~