Dis is all the pics dat i've promised! heh! thanks kakak . fer uploading it .
&& enjoys! :)
i do SILLY stuff with my SupaDupa Starr tau! heh!
dis picture is dark . me & Krazie Starr! woohoooo =)))
i look FAT! we're TWINS fer sure :)
see dat curl? haha . Look at my nose;
i wish i was a GANGSTER .
Miss White Hoodey .
OMG! i saw a CUTE guy! :)
DANCE anyone?
Gettin ready b4 Dancewerk .
Nice not me? no rite? haha . but i still like sum of the pics . like the ones;I LOVE HIM,OMG! i saw a CUTE guy . haha . nice nice . elehh DILLA . okkk . todae nutting muchh to sae . but still,at last i getto upload pics at MYSPACE . && todae need to study SupaDupa hard fer Physics,Chem & History . && im mad to da core dat i actually cum backk home at arnd 3 bcoz i was studying at sch but still,my sis n my mum wanna scold me like hell . baskett i study mah . baskett!
&& todaes the last dae of the month & dat means its OUR 4 months together!
Happie 4 months PrettyBoy!
but still,itz just like our normal2 daes . u didnt talk to me wen sending me backk home
&& Ahmad! i went to Long John tau! see da pics yang yellow2 color tu . heh!
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 @16:00 | 0 lovely comments ✿
ahhhh,i soo LOVING it .
OK DILLA stopp!
i still cannot upload my pic .
i hate it .
but still,i LOVE my neww 4th skinn!
WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!! .
updates updates tml beb!
PrettyBoy is LOVE!
YOU make me smile more & more each dae! Thank You . I <3>
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @19:54 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Danceworks' OVER!
&& we've won nutting BUT we enjoyed ourself! yes yes!!
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssss //
haha .
they were SUPERB TO THE MAX!
&& i'll update more tml .
with the pictures i hope .
haha .
i cannot upload my pics .
cannot put inside my com .
baskett .
i donnoe y .
tml shud b okeyy . OK?
&& we DE'BLAZE look stunning i swear!
haha .
&& thanks to Prakash my superman fer da very last minute .
he helps me bout my Hoodey thingy .
u rock Prakash . MAKANSUTRA!
A speacial gift was given by PrettyBoy juz now && i soo freaking loving it . && again,PrettyBoy,i want more of it! I LOVE IT <3 . really really really i love it i love it i love it! cannot tell larh kan . hah! && ILYSM PrettyBoy!!!!!!!! <3
"" was Posted On: Sunday, February 25, 2007 @19:49 | 0 lovely comments ✿
shibishhhh ....................
Speakeasy todae .
&& i suppose now im getting myself ready to go NUH with PrettyBoy .
&& after dat we go eat out den go Speakeasy .
but den .
things came upp .
&& i gotto cancel bout meeting PrettyBoy upp .
&& PrettyBoy im sorrie .
tml PrettyBoy sending me early in da morning .
he & his GAY PARTNER;Prakash .
hahahaha .
sukeeer dorg .
&& PrettyBoy's my pillar of strength!
im happie he's sending me larh kan .
ok diam!
&& tml my dudes,all da rugby ppl cum down .
to support us,De'Blaze ,
&& my bitches too!
OMG bestt nyer .
haha .
soo,todae i go Speakeasy den go eat den go home .
go home,todae SAT kan?
ader drama malam .
TV3 .. den //
slip . && tml is DANCEWROK! hahah .
&& im now stress over finding white colour hoodey .
Adee mane kau?
haha . i try to find one fer me & fer Zanna larh kan .
wait .
PrettyBoy kol larh .
ok done!
ok bye!
tml Damcework & im scared larh kan .
&& play hide and seek nak?
maner tau . dpt lari tkya dance seram sia .
tml 7 o'clock sharp at Esplanade Underground .
last practice && PrettyBoy sending me dere!
P/S: To Ahmad;yeah i've olready knew about ur bad news . though u might think i DILLA tk kisah but u actually make me cry olready larh kan . u noe,how i feels knowing bout dat thingy . OMG,i dont believe dis . ok yaya,u better take care of urself hor . ok,im stuck . i donnoe wat else to sae . sooo,Ahmad,take care,good care of urself . i'll pray fer u ok? =)))
"" was Posted On: Saturday, February 24, 2007 @14:16 | 0 lovely comments ✿
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 @14:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿
i steals one pic of PrettyBoy .
OMG,he's CUTE!
kan kan kan????
tengok larh sial;

hahahahaahaha .
Fahmy,kamu CUTE sekalliiiiii .
suuukkkkkeeeeerrr DILLA .
hhheeeehhhheeeeee .
&& he got go fer Kuda Kepang tarian
&& again,i steals a pic of him n his frens .

haha . javanese style? da make-upp is a WOW .

&& haha,he look different seyy . gahh!
Last One!

Focus on da center of da pic yaw!
hahahahah .
PrettyBoy hansemmm . woohoo . Mengancam siot!!
juz cum backk from NP,
soooo,Zanna notty2 tk pegii .
&& im tired! gah . balik tros bloog inn .
i LOVE PrettyBoy!
Happie Valentines Dae .
sorie B,curi gmbr u plak .
hahaha . padan muke . booo~
kruu kruu,meoow meoow .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @19:15 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Meoow Meoow .
was bz da whole fucking entire dae .
was like shits dat juz drop to my Lala Land .
Got meh?
shit dropp from Lala Land?
DILLA bedek!
tml's Valentines Dae .
&& i wishh i could get sum presents .
from PrettyBoy perhaps?
nonono .
i hate him .
hell yes i hate him .
but NOOOO!
i love him .
ok bye!
shuddups //
nah,i love him larh .
ok no i hate him .
he make me cry yesterdae nite
he make me mad
he make me angry
he makes me everything //
ok fuckers!
im beat
im tired
im everything
ok done!
nabeii,im hungry!
siao ting tong .
ok fucker,i'll update soon ok?
olrite,now goto hell .
DILLA siao!
ok im sorrie ok?
fucking sorrie liao
fucking fucking bye bye to u!
Happie Valentines Dae!
niwae,i dont tink PrettyBoy'g gonna give me anything .
but but but .
if he were!
**Jeng Jeng Jeng**
haha .
i will overr estatic sia .
did dat word exist b4?
haha .
Krazie Starr is attached .
dats wat i hate .
ok no .
i LOVE PrettyBoy better .
im now feelling lyke how kakak feel wen Freaky Z is attached too!
tp,no confirmation yet!
oh shits! //
Focus on the EXTREME left .
haha;dats PrettyBoy a year ago ..
&& i lost all fo his pics .
kruu kruu :)
&& we're now QUARRELLING LOVE with each other .
sounds weird .
but,his my PrettyBoy!
oh;i LOVE u deep deep!
sukeeeerrrr ehhhh DILLA .
&& PrettyBoy scolded me fer saying badwords todae .
ok,fine! im sorrie for those fcuking shits .
sooo soorrieee .
My name is DILLa and im the SEX!
wooohhooo SEXY!
Stoppit sia!
Panjang sia aku blogg . ggggggaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
ok BYE!
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 @19:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
a week of me didnt update my bloggy really got soo many complains from ppl around me . haha . i tot noone actually read my entries . gah! okok . i've been BZ fer all dis while . preparing fer my DanceWerk 2007 dat will be here any sooner . on da 25th Feb sia . haha . && if u wanna watch me shake my BOOTY,do cum down eder yar! huhu~ . kidding . niwae,PrettyBoy's goona send me in da morning to Marina Square! hahahahaha . yyyyeeeahhhhhhhneeesss . =))))))) happie lorr . he send me den i got Semangat olready larh to dancee . weehee . && yeahh,so far so good,da dance is all ready,only dat we gotto buck upp n have da energy dere wen dancing! =))
me & PrettyBoy . aha . all ok . we are ok . goody goood! i like . haha . nolarh,yeahh . only got a lil' bit misunderstanding da last 2 daes n yeaterdae! &&its all over now . weee~~~ =)) && yeah,ahmad wolf2 if u're reading dis,im sorrie didnt kol u backk yesterdae nite coz im actually having a lil quarrel with PrettyBoy n sum things happens soo,yeahh . understooding larh bro,ok? anything kalau marah,kite blanje mkn LongJohn my fav . confirm awk ok nyerr . haha! tp awk bayar la ok? gah!
PS:fer now im a lil bit kinda BZ . mondae cum home early den on tues got DancePrac so do as on Thurs &amp; Fridae! && wednesdae got NPCC . booo~~ siao ting tong . mati akuu . pnatttt siaa . hahah~ soo,once my DanceWerk is over,dats it . i will blogg inn as always,slalu2 yar! tp,wait long2 larhh . gugugaga . =)))
PSPS: DanceWerk Competition;Marina Square
25th February[Sundae],
12.30 to 5.30 .
do cum down to support yarrr!!!! =))
aku tau muke aku burok,diamm uh . hehe =)
&&amp; i LOVE PrettyBoy more & more eachh dae now .
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 @19:05 | 0 lovely comments ✿
IFeelSoEmptyAsThisPost .
Im Sorry .
"" was Posted On: Thursday, February 01, 2007 @17:59 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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