"gorgeous,tell me sumthing classic"
Meoww Meoww!
kruu kruu :)
gyeah,i've juz finished reading my whole entire bloggy . from October till March,da recent one . && i realised sumthing . i've actually grown more & more matured now . i mean like,the way i speak,i talk,i blogg-inn,my english,my looks & stuff . HAHA! . u noe,i laugh at myself wen im reading the very first post of mine . my english was lyke wat the hell? HAHA! . && the wae i talk,so like kinda 11 yrs old kid . lols! really,i laugh at myself u see . && im skinnier now than before . BETTER! im not fat okeyy! soon enuff,im gonna have a body shape,oh i cant really wait! GAH!
i didnt have much stuff to talk about todae,so basically i juz wanna share my maturity from last year till now . geeeheee! soo,lemme upload sum pics ok? but gyeah,i dont have muchh pics with me due to the com's break down previously :)
dis was last year . Sumpah,aku lain sia! burok sia muke . diam uh
in the process of bcuming wat i am now :)

this is how i look now but still,i got the recent pic of me . hold onn;
HAHA! pikir2 cute larh tu . hehe . niwae,i actually got a lot of pics to show of me 2 yrs ago till now but dammit com's break down & itz all gone . BOO! soo gyeah,i've discover a huge difference in me . haha,maturity matters! && wells,i too discover of how i love PrettyBoy previously den now . yeah,differents in how i love him now & den . gyeah,i love him more & more eachh dae! lols .
i donnoe where's him now . HAHA! . bedok i tink,werking . && i juz wake upp from my tight2 slip . nicee,felt more awake rite now . && wells,im done :)
OK BYE! :)