"when life is neither black nor white"
saturdae's pictures :]
Picture of the year! handsome kan PrettyBoy akuu? HAHA! (:
Just chilling arnd;
The hunks of the dae,these are not all :)

These are the mostt important people in my life,really

From this to ....

to this ... lols (:
Lets compare,who have the nicest nose? me or her?
My saturdae was all good . PrettyBoy,Juey,David & Hafiz came down to spare a helping hand . soo,yerpp,those hunks were all great . && i donnoe wat's more to describe that particular dae . && from wat i remember,i wanted to follow those hunks and my cousin for the first trip to Woodlands as i wanted to talk to PrettyBoy but hence,my mum asked me to fry those Pisang soo,no chances . those hunks are in my living room waiting for my cousin's arrival but im the only one down at the kitchen cooking . bad luckk . i couldnt even speak to him,not even a word . smiling and starring are our body talks to each other . i miss him .
Daddy told mummy dat,one's i've done with the cookings,im gonna follow them for the second trip && i was like,oh yes! but things turn differently,wen the 1st trips's boxes are down at the void deck,i told my cousin,my dad asked me to tag along . && he said "Ok Jom!" . i was like,onlyy the two of us? wat about them? he says,den who wud like to follow us? i said,ok no nutting,lets go!
i'll just go straight to the point ok . wen i reach my cousin's neww house . people are all looking at me,smiling . i was like,are they retardd? haha! && they started to ask me,okleyy which one is ur BF? i was like u guys are damn notty man! they say,dont lie,the guy in blackk rite? wow,not bad huh . i received soo many compliments about PrettyBoy . hehe! && one of my cousin says that,adik,u choose suchh a great one . not only handsome,his body also not bad huh .
i was like,body? then he says la,PrettyBoy got one broad body and he's kindaa strong horr . soo,i was smiling all the way . lalalalalala~~~~ && my uncle is really sickening . he actually read my Inbox Messages dat PrettyBoy gave me,everything . i was like,ok fine,im one open minded person,read la read la . he was smiling n says dat PrettyBoy is suchaa sweet person . oh wow! && my last aunt told me PrettyBoy was Cute & yes,PrettyBoy look is almost the same as me! hehe . really meh? i dont think so . && she told me,any couple who got almost the same look means that guy is their True Love! ohhhh,i wishh PrettyBoy was mine! (:
i was happy,i was glad dat PrettyBoy & Juey gets alongg with my family . soo yerpp,i was relieved dat manyy of my cousins noes about him . && im looking forward to our next kenduri on 19th May . more of my cousins will come down & the Four Hunks are going to be dere! (:
i donnoe why,after spending lots of hours with them and with PrettyBoy,i really feel dat im missing him . i couldnt get to speak to him dat muchh and i couldnt let all of my misses feels out of me,i donnoe y . i really miss him .
i was busy the whole entire da yesterdae and dat i couldnt talk to PrettyBoy over the phone dat longg . i feel guilty and i told him,i really really really miss him . i couldnt bear with it and i donnoe y,it has nvr happen b4 . not like this . soo,i talk to him over the phone late at nite till we had a small fight which i thought will end before we started our dreams but no,it was continued till todae . PrettyBoy just hang up the phone,just like dat . && dat makes me cry last night . i couldnt concentrate on my revision but still i force myself notto slip and just continue on with the revision till im deadly beat (:
oh yes,kakak told my parents dat we're going to the movie this Fridae,may be at Plaza Singapura or Cineleasure . Spiderman 3 with the hunks and my lovee ones! i really cant wait but will he still go on with the plann with him & myself like this? will you,PrettyBoy?
my Historyy paper was kindaa good but i forgot one of the mostt important part . oh no . Physics was suckk i swear! && yes,my break time,i thought of not going down to the canteen as i didnt bring a single cent with me,not even a sinle cent . soo,Fee wanted soo,so i went down and accompany her . with Nadddyyyy alongg . oh yes! i was PrettyBoy && i went up to him . he didnt even talk to me . i swear im mad at him bout last nite,but i dont wanna persue bout it soo i told him "You,todae's the 7th May . Say sorrie to me 7 times"
he just ignoree me and i really feel like slapping his face,but i control myself . i told myself no DILLA,u gonna make the situation worst . soo,i told him again and again,but he just kip on staring at me . i was like,helloh? he didnt even say A THING to me . not even ONE . i smiled at myself and i sae ok fine,i wont force you . up to you,and i told him notto pick me upp later on bcoz i was damn farking angry but he didnt even sae a thing . i walk away INFRONT of him,i was expecting him to pull my hand and say sumthing but no,he EVEN give me space to LEAVE . i was glad,dat im brave enuff to cry infront of people . yes,i cried .
my tears couldnt stopped that it actually disturbing myself wen doing Physics . && PrettyBoy,if u wanna noe,bcoz of that tears,i lost my 19 Precious marks . i didnt do ALOT of ques,trust me . im gonna get U-Grade for this subject & mummy's gonna kill me,deadly . soo yes,i thought he would pick me up but no,i've waited for alomost 20 mins but he's not dere . soo,i went home, ALONE,after suchh a longg tym && i hate it,totally! (: yes,tears do roll down my cheek for the secong tym todae,i wasnt expecting him to listen to wat i say previously but,is it my fault? okeyy,50:50
soo,i went straight backk home bcoz i was damn farking thirsty and hungryy . i cant bear with it . i really thought of waiting for him but,hunger really bugg me to be backk home fastt . so,went home and the veryy first thing i do is to open my com,get changed and online . oh yeah,i saw him online-ed but i thought of talking to him,but i was waiting for PrettyBoy to sae a BIGG BIGG SORRY to me,really . but,he offline-en and wen i called his house,his cousin told me he went out . any messages? i said,its ok,just tell him to kol me (:
i donnoe dat just bcoz of me really really misses him bcum a fight between us . all i want is just to talk to u,PrettyBoy but u didnt even realise how deep my misses is towards u,u didnt even know . im dissapointed with you . i wish i cud dissapear in ur eyes,in their eyes .
Ps: if PrettyBoy keeps on acting this way,just pray that i wont dissapear from All Of You,just pray . Never Test Me (:
"" was Posted On: Monday, May 07, 2007 @12:09 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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