So,the family re-unite thing was simply wonderful . i get the chance to meet my cousins from my dad's side . but not my grandma . she wasn't there and don't wanna turn upp as soon as she heard my dad's name,i don't know why don't you ever ask me . so,my cousin who get married was my First Aunt's son . he has a long name . that is Rajaratnam s/o i don't know what @ Raja Saiful Bin Abdul Aziz . haha! so long lorr . okeyy,he was indian-muslim . my first aunt that is his mom was my dad' first sister . and that sister of his,the husband was an indian man . got me? fheeww,panjang sangat!
okeyy,i've not seen him before this,but my parents do . andand my parents and aunties call him ' Ah Boy ' . but i called him Abg Boy la kan . his age is 23 and has a stable job,and that's what im proud of him . one handsome cousin of mine,really . when he came back from collecting his stuff,i was like . who the hell is this handsome young man,the one who wear shades? then,he went to talk to my dad . he says he recognise my ada by my dad's eyes . hoho! so,after that we went to talk to him and not until an hour of chatting,we became close already . and now,i don't believe i have such wonderful cousins .
again,i have this young handsome cousin of mine . haha! Azhar was his name . of all i remembered,when we was young,at the age of 8,we were sooo close . like brother and sister,like GF and BF pon ader,tak tipuu . last time,we couldnt be apart . slalu jumpe . den we do so many things together . haha! i still got our pictures together when we were young,tapi i need to find them again . and now that we have grown upp,we didnt recognise each other . not even talk and smile . okeyy,wait . lemme tell u something about this weird guy . funny stuff .
i just reached his house,that is on saturday . so,i don't recognise him yet kan? so i just ignore him la and continue helping his mom and my aunties with the wedding stuff . so,after helping out,he was back from shop by then,with his friends along . so,they went into the kitchen to eat . to my surprise,i felt that someone's starring at me . i wonder who the hell . and when i turn,i saw him stealing glances at me . haha! siao . then,when he realises that im looking at him,he turn away . again,it happens upteen times . siao ting tong guy . and the when it comes to the 4th time,he was hiding behind the refrigirator,scared if i might saw or scold him about it .
it happens again and again . that Azhar has the same age as me . going on 15 . his birthday was on 05th October while mine was 3 days later . hoho! so,after smiling and stealing glances at me,he woundnt still talk to me . im fine with it . well,im shy though . okeyy,7 years apart,was longg . so,yeah . we've grown upp soo,things turn out a lil' bit different,i guess . he was a nice cute guy actually . andand his spiky hair make me wanna cut them! rambut macam tabung ayam! kankankan?
i don't know why but,me and his mom was oooo close . his mom really dotes on me . we joke around together,do things together,talk together and stuff . so,i can sense something . his mom even ask me why isn't me and Azhar close as before? i said,it takes time larhh kan . hoho,aku plak macam paham . so,he got my number from Suhaila,which was my another cousin . so,he started msg-ing me yesterday night . too bad,my rpepaid was low soo,i use kakak's hp to msg him instead . sorry for that sister . okeyy,kene top-upp la kan jawapnyer . kalau hari-hari nak msg kite .
worst still we didnt talk like in ' aku kau ' ways you see . okeyy,die tk biase . so kite talk ' awak kiter ' lorr . hoho! itu tak penting sangat,yang penting . aku tak percaye yang sepupu aku yang sorg nie da tinggi and handsome bandingkan die yang dulu . dulu hitam macam mamak sekarang putih melepak! haha! so yesterday,he added me upp at MSN and we talk .
he ask me ' kalau da lawa sangat sekarang nie,mesti dah ader bf,kan? '
then i said, ' of course no . eleh yang die tuu,da besar panjang,handsome,cute lagi tkkn tkder kot . ckp org,nath2 die nyer berderet-deret . '
den he replied, ' no larh tkder sey . i don't know why girls don't want me . maybe jodoh belom sampai kot '
haha! silly billy willy cousin of mine . bual macam yeye je,macam paham! jodoh konon . tapi true la,he got no gf . well,i say larh,he's soo abd and naughty maybe , taht's the reason why he dosen't own one . then he told me where got? he's a good boy okeyy . haha! like real kan . but no la,dont think other stuff . apape pon,die kan sepupu aku . so yesyesyes,i've started moving onn already,now! im gladdd . really gladd . i can forget about everything now . oh yeah,Noi told me something . thanks Hunn! (:
Fahmy is one romeo and playboy actually . that's what Noi's dad told her . andand,over the June Hols,Fahmy actually chatted with her and wanted her back like last time . but NOI says no,of course . as i was attached to him and Noi is taken . hoho,i then get to know bout this . secretly behind my back,he wanted to play scandal lorr . wth?
oh yes,last one! on Saturday night,the day before my cousin's wedding day,i had a dream . a funny one! okeyy,don't laugh at me like Noi did,okeyy? i had a dream,my dream was like . i get married with someone . okeyy,that someone was Izwan,my NPCC sir and that Izwan was Noi's elder brother . okeyy,i dremt about us getting married and wear an Orange gown for our wedding . and that gown,was maverlous . andand,blablabla . after our wedding night,Izwan sat beside me . he thank me for neing his wonderful wife (okeyy,aku tk tau asal) . and he give me one husband and wife hug and kiss on my forehead . well,the funny part is that,we was at Esplanade at that time . spending time together,alone . okeyy,end of my dream!
oh besides that,the previous day . i dreamt about engaging with Zul Fakar . okeyy,Anoi which was Atie's bf confronted Zul for being soo close to Atie and that amkes Anoi jealous . so,Atie didnt talk to Zul anymore and then Zul went to me . so,i get close to him and then becum his gf . then we get engaged . and then,the next dream was about Izwan . dosent make sense at all! its all becoz i cant wait for my cousin's big wedding day kan? haha!
funny kan? okeyy,diamm ehh . pape jgn la usik-usik aku atau kacau-kacau kan . favour ehh . ejek-ejek ke . nak-nak lagi pat NPCC, training . maut seyy kalau kecoh . ok damm,aku tak tau asal Izwan plak yang blh keluar pat dalam mimpi aku kali ini . haiyah!
Great Day people! will be upploading the pics tomorrow,i guess (: oh yes,kate update pendek je . tapi panjang nyer tak mahu kalah lorr! Bye! ohoh,im MSN-ing with that Azhar right now . lols!