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    im half-way through done with my packing and stuff . like finally,i get to find all the things i need for the camp and will chuck them inside my bag soon . and i cant wait for tomorrow . weeeeeeeeee -___- i cant sleep yesterday night . i dont know why . maybe its because i've already taken a nap in the afternoon . guess so . so,hours are getting nearer to night and soon,it will turn morning . i simply cant wait .

    i dont know what does this means . is it a miracle or fate? my late prettyboy's elder sister is now getting more and more closer with me . its like,we've never been like this when i was with him the past . not this close . in fact,we didnt talk at all . but now,she's the one who motivated me,she's the one who give me great advises and she's the one who cares a lot for me . i was soo touched though . she kept repeating to me: Never bring the past with you in the present . and forget about the past memories and walk into something better . i will always be here for you,sweetheart .

    i was touched indeed . maybe she's comforting me after what her brother had done to me . never cross my mind that we would be this close . and now,what's behind all this? hmmmmmmmmm . i wonder . but whatever it is,i don't want the past to be repeated back . in other words,im sick of love . yeah,im sick of love . forget about it and oh,im kinda bored right now . all im doing now is just myspacing and chatting . i felt like sleeping but im afraid i wouldnt have a good night sleep like yesterday . pfft .

    alright . i won't do much talking now . i wanna continue packing the stuff and jyeah,i won't be blogging for a week,i guess? let's continue blogging next sunday . its a 5 days 4 night camp so kesian la kan org smue kene sekolah,aku tk payah . but then,the lessons,im gonna miss them . especially POA and Maths . i hopeee i will cope with them when i come back nest week (:

    && lastly,to all muslim people,i wish you a very happy fasting month . Ramadhan is here and that means,Syawal are getting nearer and nearer soon! and ohh,i can eat dendeng veryyy soooooooooon! hehe (: and soooon enough,im gonna be darkk . oh no,not again!


    Tomorrow's the day,SEXY! (:

    "" was Posted On: Sunday, September 09, 2007 @15:27 | 0 lovely comments

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