everything went out smoothly . without any "disturbance" from that him,i felt better . i managed to get myself on my own track,i could think wisely and better with this atmosphere . i guess,what happened before was simply a rush for me . it dosen't gave me any time to think about it . people are just pushing me for it but i don't blame them either . maybe they just don't understand how my situation is actually . well,now that u did,i hope u guys would understand me and it would be much appreciated .
im sorry if i did hurt u but just help me by giving me sometime to think about it and forget about the things that i should . but IF i still couldn't,thousands of apologises from me to u . but u cant force love and although u have waited for me for sometime,that dosent mean i got no choice but just to go to u . so spare me a thought too and im sorry if about the Fahmy thing affect every single thing . deeply sorry,but u cant blame me though . i didn't do it on purpose (:
Taken On: Friday,after our Audition .
Photographer: Haziqah .
Taken On: Friday,after our audition .
Photographer: Ruzanna .
the new chinese drama was goood,especially the one at 7 p.m . oh yes,i really hate people who are buyers . get what i mean? buyers,i REPEAT,buyers . so pathetic! and Zanna,wait for a day until she kanna at the staircase with the drummers and skaters,then she know . and dont let her find u,then . got what i mean? ((:
18 more days to go ((: