;The day we were born .
i was sooooooooo excited . first of all i would like to congratulate my very own crew that is De'BlazeurScopic Vibes for winning TWO awards for the Hip-Hop Fiesta 2007 just now . u guys are simply cute! andand to my very own clique,Eccentric Dancers,congratulations to u guys too for winning the 1st runner upp! jyeahh! andand to Hillgrove sec for winning total of FIVE AWARDS in total! our school really did well yaw! De'Blaze was on TV!
the mendaki people keep on changing the time slot for us to arrive at the Republic Poly and we actually reached there arnd 12.30 pm . after getting down the bus,we actually run into the make upp room to get ready . everyone was like cepat cepat cepat! but well,me and zanna didnt do make upp at all plus ifah too . except for the rest and some of them already wore their make upp at home . and De'Blaze are the one dancing before us . well,there's not many audience there . and there's only the judges sit infront to select the winners for that day .
we didnt do that well though coz we're rushing and we didn't get the chance to relax and stretch ourselves but im great that we still won the second place . jyeahh! me and lina already planned to continue our clique that is Eccentric Dancers and to keep on finding new steps from the NIGGA videos and join any dance competition in future . and make our COME TO ME dance as the trademark of our clique . and i cant wait for us to grow better as a dancer! yipeee! =)
i've uploaded the pictures and there soo many of them . arnd 100 plus . but i choose the nicest among the nicest ones . haha,i didnt know how to smile though . thanks zanna for the snapping and ifah too! there's more to come from Zanna's and Ilyana's camera . wohoo jyeah SEXY!

He's good looking and he really looks like AHMAD! coz when me,zanna,zatty and my sis first look at him,we thought he was Ahmad when he's not coz Ahmad is now in kelantan & terengganu! like finally i remember =)
i guess this is cute .
me and Afiq . im his stalker . heh!
okey,im in love with Afiq's cap! thanks for the cute balloon FLIQ!
we won this! haha! i donnoe how to smile though .
SEXYY . no what the hell dilla? really,i donnoe how to smile!
ok now,i need fringe! my fringe are getting longer and longer and im soooooo jealous when people are all dancing with their fringe down! hmmphf! oh btw,Danielle was there to just now . but im not that excited coz i didnt watch any of their programme though . hehe . ok now,i wanna have a good rest coz im waking upp early tomorrow as im the KENDARAT yaw! and to zanna,thanks for making me laugh loudly on the bus just now . hahahahahahaha =) i just cant wait for tomorrow!
08 more days! jyeahhhh!