hey yaw! first and foremost i wanna wish my beloved Krazie Starr his very 20th birthday,that is todayy . and wish him longetivity & prosperityy and cant wait to see u tomorrow and see u perform for the vesy last time at Speakeasyy . cant wait! yet,i've not tell me parents about going to Glass Hall tomorrow,hehe! (:
my dance song are upp and yet to be modify,again . well,after such sacrifices,its all worth it . thanks a lot to Prakash and myself,haha! well,the music is nice though . will be upp in immem.com soon and place them in my blog . i really wanna change my blogskin . haiyah!
school's been good and few more days left to Miss Ramna's Wedding Day . and the countdown to Teacher's Day and my OBS Camp is lesser and lesser each day . the drama SUTUN that is playing now at Suria is such a great drama and i really like it though . lameshit and oh,he's been asking me to call him and stuff,but i just ignored . well,i felt better and now,he even ask me out tomorrow and i didnt even give him a single answer . coz there's no reason why i should do as follow . he told me upteen times that he missed me a lot but i didnt even have the single feelings about it,sorry to say . he gave me truck of messages but after reading them i just simply delete them,unlike in the past . simple .
16 more days to go (: