SEXY,i've changed my blogskin and its like finally! ohohoho,i like it . i've spent almost 3 hours editing them,do the changes,modify here and there . so,it does worth it . this is the skin that i've been wanting . i though of changing the entry's background to white,but it dosen't look nice . haha,so i choose to stay this way as it looks better .
2nd day slacking at home,doing nothing is such a bore,seriously . all i did is just to repeat the songs i've heard,do the housework and some changes on my kitchen cabinet and watch tv,eat and drink . well,it dosent rain today . if not,i would be sleeping now,dreaming . blergh . seriously,holidays are boring . and if i have my malay ho0mework with me now,i would definitely do them now . too bad,they are all with Usamah and in my classroom now .
i thought of watching the movie Alone but my mum brought them to her workplace . another blergh . and Haziqah has been messaging me to ask about the things to bring for OBS Camp . and everytime when she ask me about it,i would feel excited and impatient to be there . haha! the days are getting nearer and nearer . and i really have to start packing my stuff this saturady and sunday . if not,i tend to do it at the very last minute and i'll forget to bring the stuff i needed there . haiyah .
okey,the song that is playing on my blog is my current fav . i know its an old raggea song but i finally found it yesterday . its been soo long since i last listen to that song . basically,that's the song i've been repeating soo muany times today . around 25 times? i'm gonna make my blog back un-private! and if spammers are there again,i'll make it private back again . its peaceful to make your blog private as there's not gonna be any spammers . oh btw,new pictures are up at Myspace.com .
Happy holidays sexy people! have a meaningful September!
05 more days to go,prettyhead!