i guess i did enjoy myself last saturday?
speakeasy was great with the additional of a uncensored emcee . he was a man,but he dressed up like a lady/woman and i can say that he was sooo HOT ans SEXY! too bad,i didnt get to snap a picture with him,never mind . the last performance at speakeasy was by Imran Ajmain . he sang the song seribu tahun that was requested by the audience . it was so touching when everyone in the glass hall sang along that song . and i can see that Imran's tears are about to fall but well,mine did . was a sad thing that it was the very last speakeasyy and its not gonna be anymore . so yes,i can see that the Comic Strips really rocks the house . so do the fashion runway .
modified blogskin . but,im not that satisfied yet . i wanna make it more nicer of course . and well,i used the background pattern like my sister did . for temporary only . i'll re-do everything again when im free . but i bet,this coming week im busy enough to do so many things . with the teacher's day performance preparations,rehearsals,practices and stuff . and the weekends gonna spend at Miss Ramna's Wedding place . for both particular days . mangkok,penat siot . well,days getting nearer and nearer to OBS Camp ;)
im starting to love my beautiful hair . they are soft and smooth . long and sexy! indeed,haha! kidding . i just realised that my hair is all grown and its already long now without me realising it . and my hair is still straight after 10 particular months . wow . and if u wanna see how sexy my hair is,do cum down for Miss Ramna's wedding coz im gonna let my hair go and u can see for urself how beautiful my hair is actually . haha,kidding . i cant wait for them to grow longer and longer and wait till i got the money,im gonna perm them . loose-perm . they are the real sexy . wohoo . i just cant wait .
stop texting me coz i just feel that ur messages are all lame ass . those words make me ill . no matter what,u cant change me . ask me that question again and again but that wont do any good . coz my answer will still be the same . i don't know,got me? no matter how hard u try . maybe last time after i was left by fahmy,i felt desperate for attention . coz i cant accept the fact that he left me without me doing anything wrong . after getting over it,i felt better with the circle of friends and girlfriends plus boyfriends . i felt happier and more cheerful than last time . and then,i start to think that i dont need u . not even love,anymore . im sick of love . they simply lead me to those sufferings . oh,please . understand me .
its not that i love playing other people's feelings but never did i ever tell u that i love u . ur the one who always did,not me . yes,i may have not get over my previous relationship and love but that dosent even concern u at all . so quit being stupid and keep on asking me about the late prettyboy . and really,its like a ih%no^4e to ask me out when i didnt even talk to u nor look at u for the straight one week . and please,dont call my home just to talk to me . oh thats simply what the hell . i've repeated to u up teen times not to call my home . so,what do u need me to do just to make u understand? talk to u in korea language? tamil? X machi Y machi? haha!
14 more days to go (: