We really look like twins hooor .
Lovely girlfriends =)
The wedding cake,yumyum!

Overdue pictures! haha . its been one month sia =)
well,the end of year's doing kindaa great i guess . my History paper was slightly difficult for the structure essay . eventually,i spent most of my time answering section A . and i only take 20 mins to answer the Section B which im totally blurr of . i started forgetting the important points while doing the section A . hells . but,its all over now . all i have to do now is to concentrate on my coming papers . && more revision is to be done =)
Iqa's birthday is coming in 4 days time and mine,in 5 days time . i cant wait for this sunday's occasion where by all the the sweetest among the sweetest friends are celebrating the birthdays' at Suntec City,Pizza Hut . they are coming down wearing formal clothing and i bet they gonna look super duper smart and wonderful . haha! as my for myself,im wearing one long blouse,a mixture of green and blue in color,and my dark blue Levis' jeans with my sandals . that's all . oh yes! with shades along! yumyum =)
well,im not looking forward about this outing as much as i did the last time . somethings took place and stuff . that really disappoint me . jealousy took place . heart broken,cryings and stuff . but,i was taught by my Jagi to learn to be strong and look out on the bright side of life . think positive although i know im not that strong . but,im not at fault to have a crush on Jagi,that;s what he told me . but,its all fated . but im still gald,he still treat me well and won't leave me although he wanted to pursue his love for his dream girl . well,i've never break down like i did yesterday sia . i've never felt this sad and all . and,after telling him straightforward what i felt exactly thru the phone,i then realised i actually like him when he told me so . i was so surprised -__- . c'mon,who dosen't want a guy like him?
to be truthful,he's my dream guy,really . yes,i admit . its hard to find someone like him . but,since he's my lovely Jagi,i don't mind about how i feel so long as he felt happy,im happy too! its hurting when i actually encouraged him to go for his dream girl,wait for her as she's attached now . it is soo hurting,but i really have to accept the fact . but,im still blaming myself for the incident but i felt relieved after Apiz comfort me with his words . thanks buddy! muchh appreciated! and to my lovely Jagi,thanks for everything,for understanding me and yeahh,your my pillar of strength,seriously . i felt that im missing the sweet night messages u used to send to me and the laughter,haha!
so,i bet the outing's not gonna be as fun as i planned it to be . but,its okaay . all i cant wait is when Khairin's gonna do his wonderful surprise specially for Iqa . hahaa! kakak,get ready je laaa ehh! as for me,im still gonna get my surprise from Jagi and its something that i really cant figure out . hmmmm . but i guess,i've smell something ;)
my siblings and i ate only kuih and one packet of cheese fries for break-fast but we're all full now . plus chendol,air kathira and slupee . that really make us super duper full . so what's next for tomorrow? im having my maths paper 1 which i know i cant make it with my english paper 2,which i guess i can do it . so yeeaaah,im bored -_______- ^^ oh yes,it's good to learn something new . todaay,i learned how to speak in Korean language,mummy! haha! korea are cuteee! there's still more to learn! =)
labels: thanks zanna for the Photoshop thingy && the laugher just now (: