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    a quick update . i know i simply cant wait to share my stories with u guys about my OBS Camp . how fun,exciting,challenging,adventurous,sweet,sad,great,excellent and superb it is . but,its impossible for me to update all of it today . i will do it on monday and that's a promise . with the pictures upp too (:

    my skin is darker than the previous one but still i love it as it more tanned and niceee . i miss OBS Camp sooooo much although it has one been yesterday . i miss my campsite . i miss my watch(group),Elizabeth Choy . i miss Nehru's group members . i miss the Hillgrovians who went there . the time we spent together,the fun times we had,the jokes,the laughter and Is and Amirul,thanks for being the farting machine . and importantly,i miss my instructor for Elizabeth Choy that is Vivian Lau and the instructor for Nehru that is Jill . i really miss u guys . Vivian especially . oh damnn .

    now,i wanna say thank you to some people for the help given for the past few days in OBS Camp .

    i wanna thank my HERO cum Jagi Faris at the same time for being there for me . u've helped me alot . thanks for lending me ur muscled hands for me to hold on tight while walking at night . thanks for being my partner for the whole straight 5 days . thanks for making me laugh . thanks for the concern u've shown when i didnt ate my dinner as i had to get my tough job done . thanks for the thought about cooking for me noodles at the very dark night at 11 pm . thanks for the time u spent just to find a packet of biscuit for me to fill my empty stomach . thanks for the time u spent siting in front of me just to make sure i ate my biscuit till im full . thanks for putting up late just to make sure i've already sleep . thanks for encouraging me for the high-elements thingy when im afraid of heights . thanks for accompany me if there's a need for me to go to the toilet at the middle of the night . thanks for the buddy-system we had for kayaking . thanks for washing my dishes for me when i dont have the energy to do so . thanks for taking care of me when im sick . thanks for keeping my inhaler safe with u when we had our activities . thanks for doing every thing for me . thanks for helping me alot . cause i know,without u,everything wouldn't be possible for me . thanks a lot FARIS (:

    my Beloved Jagi Zanna . thanks for making me laugh too baybe! ur the women . jyeahjyeah! without u,i dont know how dark my days are in OBS Camp . thanks for sleeping with us at the tent . the silly jokes in the middle of the night,i cant forget them . and also,the loud laugh . haha! thanks Jagi! saranghaeyoooo! (:

    Isfahani,the horse cum the Vietnam Boy . thanks for making all of us laugh with ur non-stop farting machine . the nonsense u made . the laughter . the games . the silly stuff . and for being the gentleman that is to help the ladies carry stuff when we had difficulties in carrying our super-duper heavy stuff for trekking . thanks for making every single day of our a fun,great,interesting and funny one . and still,u owe me the 20 cent massage lorr .

    Gilbert,the sexy man . yes,baybe,ur the man . thanks for the help when i need one . thanks for feeding me foods when u know i im busy with my stuff until i forgot to eat one . thanks for being a good leader . thanks for helping me by farting in front of me . hahaha . thanks for carrying our stuff when we're dehydrating and lack of energy . ur the man!

    to my Jagi Usamah,thanks for the help tooo . the helping hands . importantly,thanks for accompany me for our high-elements . without u,i cant be at the top of the Inverse Tower climbing up till the top and overcome my fear of heights . without u,its impossible for me . thanks Jagi! Saranghaeyo! and the smile every single day,ur great!

    Yinn Hui & Jolie . u guys are my great partner there . we had a lot of jokes to share and u guys are nuts . thanks for being there with me and thanks for making every single day our ours a great one . u guys are simply cute . and Yinn Hui,ur a great leader like Gilbert too! i love u guys okeyy! (:

    lastly,to all . whether is it to E.C or Nehru . thanks for the days we spent together day . thanks for making everything possible . thank youu alot sexy people! im gonna miss u guys! will continue on in details on monday plus the pictures okey? (:
    im starting to miss you since yesterday lorr .

    Labels: crush,the Wonderful Hero .

    "" was Posted On: Saturday, September 15, 2007 @17:14 | 0 lovely comments

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