somehow or rather,i find this picture cute . haha,seriously . muke satu2 mentel ehh .
The people who came for the on that day .
again ^_^
the best among the best people . Saranghae .Tchigodo .
Annyong haseyo!
its the chocolate cake which i bought for Jagi . kindaa expensive yet delicious =)
so yeah,my birthday is such a boring one . serious,no joke . nothing special happened on that particular day,yesterday . stodgy boringg . all i did yesterday was just to kill my time going to Lavender and get my IC done (nothing to be proud of) , went to Apiz's shop and meet him up,killed time at Bugis and then,went to Jurong West to buy food for breaking fast . back home and sleep . oh yes,my birthday cake which i bought for myself yesterday is nicee (although its cheap!) again,i would like to thank the people who gave me present without my expecting anything,the birthday wishes and birthday song . thank youu once again .
sooo,what's next? the saddest thing in life is when the two most important person in your life doesn't wish you anything , not even the phrase Happy Birthday for you . that's what i felt yesterday . i should be happy yesterday cause it is the special day in my life instead,it went the other way round . forget about it -___-
Hari Raya is coming up in 4 days time . but too bad,i didn't feel that Raya is coming . it's plain bored . but,whatever it is,i really cant wait to meet all of my lovely cousins up this Saturday . really,i miss them a lot,real lot . ohoh,i've not bought my handbag yet hoor . haiyah . neey,will buy them this Thursday at Geylang and ate Dendeng for the very last time laa,okaay? ehh,tak macam lapar la plak . hmmmmmmmmmm ^_^
one after another . again and again . i really appreciate you for being my good friend . but,i didn't expect you to turn our friendship into something else just like that . you were left by her as she felt better with her boyfriend there . so,give it a thought . cause' i take this thingy seriously . but no matter what you say,i will stay on with my decision . i like someone else although it seems too fast and although it doesn't make sense at all as i may not have the chance to own them . so what's next? im chollin . i wanna sleep now . i've not been having enough sleep for the past few days . oh yeah,sorry of you can't understand some of the words i've typed down . it's in Korea by the way . movie marathon,soon (:
JULIET beloved myspacer who was the 1st one to wish me birthday
JAGI who wishes me when the clock strikes 12 and wishes me thrice at the same hour & he sang me my birthday song in Korea language .
IFAH my kambing who wish me twice
ZANNA who sang me the birthday song early in the morning with 3 different languages that make me cry
MAS the one who wishes me in a violent way,haha! mcm Gangster .
IQA who sang me the birthday song at 12.30 midnight
APIZ and KHAIRIN the dudes who wishes me spontaneously
ZUL FAKAR what a birthday wish
HAKIM the cutest birthday wish
NAZRYN COUSIN who gave the sweetest among the sweetest birthday wish
YUNIS the only person who mistaken my birthday on 07th of October
HATIM and FARUQ the dudes who wishes me upteen times without failed
and to those whose name i didn't mention,still,thank youu soooooo muccchhhh! saranghae!
labels: saye lapar ehh!