#1 .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- be it any day or anytime?
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- whenever im sitting down all alone,you will appear on ma mind . every single time .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- and now,ask me back the same question .
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- how many times have i crossed your mine?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- ONCE,just once . and now,ask me why .
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- why?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- bacause,the very first time you came into my mind,you've never left . you're glued and till now,you're always in there and will never ever gonna get out of that place .
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- oh baby,that's soo sweet of you,really . you're like the SWEETEST thing i've ever come across((:
#2 .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says
- Baby,God made us two ears to listen,two eyes to see and two hands to hold each other . but why did He made us only one heart?
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- you're asking me with you knowing the answer or not?
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- of course i do! =)
l l 09 l l xXx ][ Wonderboy ][ xXx l l ][Live free or die hard ][
- okay,i don't know .
Loved Always;DILLA .™- says:
- okay la,God gave us only ONE heart is because He wants us to find another . like for an example,yours . He gave me a heart to find yours because yours are the only one suitable to be with mine =)
Basically,i've been brainstorming soooooooooooooooo many quotes and phrases for our 2nd month anniversary this 14th April! werid,but i really love doing that (although people find it a waste of time!) . i seriously cant help it! and from now,i wanna behave,for some reasons =) jogging and playing of swings soon hor boyfriend!
In addition,
Happy NC16 birthday Massafurah and happy 15th birthday Syafawati! wish you both longetivity and prosperity and may you both have a beaufitul life ahead and have a blisfull birthday celebration! love you both,like alot! and also,to Kaisha,the-myspacer-whom-i-just-get-to-know! =)