Let's Go Hardcore Dancing Gig - TODAY,over at Music Garage . the gig was Awesome,Passenger Service,standard jugak . but i went off earlier,and i had to missed For Better Endings,Ebony's call,Bloody Rejects and those great local bands . so,yeah . here i am,back home at 2107hours sharp and yessa,NO MORE NOT going out for me! sooooo,i'll start occupying my saturdays from now on already! tau B,tau! hahaha((: aLOT of pictures snapped,but i shall upload them tomorrow or something . cause' im fucking lazy as there's freaking alot,i swear . and yeah,i enjoy myself today although it's just a short one for me! =DDDD

and i tell you,this boy really look HOT up there . and haha,no stage-diving for you during Incinerate tapi,slide kat bawah pon jadi hor! crazy fellow,yet i love you so much((: me and Nunu was hoping for something great to happen but UNFORTUNATELY,Tinkle Belle wasn't up for action(s) . but nevermind,there's always next time yo! and Nunnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuuu,next time we have to drag her into the moshpit already so that she can lose some weight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . N Level Malay Oral Examination tomorrow and i still have the cheek to go out today! =D and it's Racial Harmony Day and i'm wearing Cheongsam despite my dark coloured skin (bastard) . and,yeah . i wanna get some sleep before calling the BIG BOSS! =DDD
labels: Don't try to be into the scene when you know nothing about it . i admit,i know nothing much about this shits but still,im not like you who tryna' fit into something you're actually NOT . get some sense girl,cause' it's really disgusting,i swear . i think,im being mean these few days,but still,i do all this cause i stood up for my girlfriend which i think i really have to,mofo!
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