That was Nunu at the back and that boy,i don't know what's exactly on his mind,Taman Skodeng i guess .
It's already saturday today! which means,few hours left for Let's Go Hardcore Dancing Gig! i'm all excited and it's gonna be a great one i bet,with the great bands performing . today,i was all lazy/not feeling well to go out to join the rest at Scape . there's a gig also,and today,its my second time missing Deputy Siren performing,daaaaamn =( but nevermind,another time perhaps . in the morning,it was all sucky that we have to wake up early,to attend our school's 07th Annual Speech Day . damn boring,cause i've never like formal stuffs . instead of paying attention to the principal and guest of honour giving their speech,we took pictures and talked alot like no one's business((: the pictures at Ilyana's camera and i only took 2 from Fee's phonny .

She's crazy like me,but i still love her veryvery much though . standard jugak,kite due spices yang same mah! =D it's already 10pm now! wait for the boyfriend to give a message,late night calls,sleep then have a nice little dream,breakfast in the morning the next day,get the housework to be done and then,time to attend my cousin's birthday party at Jurong and then,get my foot on Jurong platform and then,get my ass on Bugis control station to meet with the HOT PS's BASIST and then,off to Music Garage! =D you can't imagine how SEXcited i am! haha,and i don't know why i should be one! prolly it's because i'm gonna see the HOT BASIST performing for the second time in my life . 3rd gig hor! how fast~ i misses the Homeclub's (below 16) and i can't afford to miss this one! daaaaddddddddyyyyy! =DDDDDDDDD && FREE SHITS,aku tak paham langsung! (only Nunu knows,hahaha) . and tomorrow,let's get the camera rolling babe! =DDD