Hari Raya #2.
On the saturday itself,it was MY idea to drop by one of my aunt's friend's house for Raya. Just because i'm dying to touch her nicenice Parsi (or however you spell it) CAT! You know the hairy hairy cat? Yes,it is! The nicest among the nicest cats on earth,no scratching no biting of people! And so,it's my VERY FIRST TIME in my whole entire life hugging,kissing,touching and whatever things you fit it in,i did it to the cat! Shocked? You have to cause i've never liked and i'm always afraid of cats. But,only for Parsi lah. If it were to be other typical cats,prolly i'll still say NO,THANKS =DD

Moving on. I just came back from Raya-ing at my dad's side (which we're not that close to). At the same time,we celebrated my cousin's birthday,so does mine and my two sister's. And what's amazing about today is that,Ahmad Irfan came over to our house and pass me my PRESENT!! How SEXciting can that be? I mean,my birthday's gonna be in 3 days time and wohoooo,he's the FIRST to give me eh! He bought me new BROWN JACK PERCELL SNEAKERS! And,SuperGirl T-shirt for my elder sister! =DDDDD How much nicer can he be? Thanks dude! And i really love it cause that's what i really wanna own! I got a new sneakers now! weeehooooo! *senyum lebar-lebar*

And on the way,my London Grafiti Hoodie is coming. It was another present from Ahmad Fadhli. This Lee Tok Kong is really nice to buy me a hoodie that i wanted.blogshop. This two Ahmad ahh,really nice man((: Nice like me,i know! hahaha =P Anyhoooooooes,i've been pursuing my Abang Fazli to buy me a new DSLR D70/90 camera! Wohooo! I don't know what he's buying for me,but he told me to wait and see. That another macam paham cousin. Hahaha. Anyway,its already past midnight,and I'm turning Sweet16 in 2 days timeee! Baik ah! Baik waklu bodoh,esk my sister going camp i just HATE IT cause i have to do all of the chores. Basket kau.
Labels: I'm looking forward for the day.