You know,it's really nice of some people around me who constantly asking me what in the world i want for my Sweet 16 which is in a weeks' time. I mean,i'm not asking for anyone to give me anything although i got long list of things that i wanna buy. But,it's nice isn't it? haha. Anyways,it's 02:38 am in the MORNING! First time in my life i'm blogging at this hour,lol. Well,basically,everyone's in the house is already alseep. I can't bring myself to sleep no matter how tired i am and although i didn't get enough sleep for the past days. The atmosphere isn't really the reason why i'm not sleeping now. Just that,i can't wait to meet up with my whole BIG family,especially from Malaysia! =D Gonna be an awesome day,excluded the seeking for forgiveness part,cause i don't know what i should say! hahaha =D
Having Humanities paper on 2nd day of raya really sucked BIG TIME. But nevermind,i've got confidence that i'll pull it off. 3 weeks of doing house chores is really great,although i'm kinda lazy at times. House is all in brown and red,awesome shit. Especially the new painted walls((: And of course,everything's placed neatly and nicely and,i really am satisfied! Enough about Raya and Exams stuffs,

I miss our late night phone convo =( it's been a few days lah sayang. && i've yet to meet up with Christinee! =DD haha. *voodooing your photo* HAHAHA,anyway,
lovelovelove yoooooou! <333
Labels: and Tim tooooo =(