It's school hours right now but i'm not in school,yeah. I'm down with high fever,with the additional of cough and BAD flu (the usual). I have breathing difficulty which at one point of time,i think i'm dying or something. The asthma inhaler that i have in hand doesn't do any good. So yesterday after NPCC,i bussed home,put down my bags and went to sleep straight away. But my mum keeps on nagging,so i had my shower and my light dinner,have my medications and lie flat down on the ground. I woke up every hour,cause i don't feel comfortable with my breathing. So,i decided to sleep on the sofa outside. Body's still warm in the morning,so my parents told me not to go to school and yeah,here i am,sitting at home alone. And this morning while i was showering,i realised that there's this red colour thingy together with my phlegm when i coughed. I'm not sure if it's blood. Cause if it is,i think something MUST be really wrong with me.
Labels: high fever
"" was Posted On: Thursday, January 29, 2009 @13:26 | 0 lovely comments ✿
queue panjang macam cb
a sunny day indeeeeeeeeeeeed.
yalah yalah,everyone's crazy about this tiger. Aku pon tktau kenape.

bungkus of nasi goreng ..
with oranges as well! you know what's on your mind upon seeing people wearing this in ZOO.
Another moment with the $2 ice-cream

errr,new date? MEH.
was trying to be scary & fierce,but .. HAHA
another moment with the $3 Coca-Cola
a visit to nyonya ang's house
the son
KIDZWORLD! gotta bring swimsuit the next time already! HAHAHA
Mimz and her sexy pose,LOL!
keluarga penguinszxzxz
Perfect picture for the day!
So basically,we took pictures of ourselves MORE then those animals. A lot of people there,so everyone's kiasu about looking and getting close to the animals and that's the reason why we didn't bother to snapped theirs,much. Anyway,it's all BACK TO SQUARE ONE after all that early planning with another 2 humans. YES,they didn't turn up. One of them,i don't know what in the world is on his mind. One moment,he wanna join us. Another moment,he cancel. Another moment,he wanna join again and another moment,he back off. I feel like strangling that Riz lah. && another one,i called her for like gazillion-th times,she didn't pick them up. Same applies to the messages that i sent to her. WTH,i was so pissed. Yalah,early in the morning,give me trouble already. Then,so much more for wanting to go early. You can't imagine how frustrating it is,goddamit.
In the end,it's just the both of us,Mimz and myself. With 4 bungkus of nasi goreng,2 packet of Milo,3 oranges and 3 packets of snacks. Without any bottle drinks,like ohmygeeez lah. So,we had to fork out our money to buy just one SMALL bottle of fucking coca-cola which cost us $3. With the ice-cream for $2. Which actually we can get 3 of them at Mamak Shop,sibei. Fucking lot of foreign people there,dress up like as if they're going to some ballroom or something. Well,afterall i enjoyed my day although it's just a short one AND although it's just MIMZ AND I. And today,i'm down with a BAD cough and flu. School starts tomorrow,shitzxz. I havta get my assignments done now!
Labels: cough and flu
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 @14:52 | 0 lovely comments ✿
I don't wanna keep anything unhappy on my blog cause i don't think there's a need to. I wanna be happy,i don't like arguments. In fact,i hate that. I mean,who does right? :) Anyway,TOMORROW is the biggest day ever on earth for me and everyone knows that =D ZOOLICIOUS baybe,ZOO!
Labels: zoological gardens
"" was Posted On: Sunday, January 25, 2009 @20:17 | 0 lovely comments ✿
1. Moral (avoid crime,respect others,etc.)
2. Knowledge (read,education)
3. Faith (God is always with me)
4. Confidence (nothing is impossible)
5. Love and passion (it makes something more meaningful)
These 5 things are the things that i've been keeping them on my mind no matter where i go or,despite my age is. They made me be a better & a good person in every way (no matter what people think of me). These 5 things are like a tripod. One falls - the rest will follow.
Recognise that.
Labels: inspiration
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 @20:25 | 0 lovely comments ✿

Have problems reading my entry? Here it goes again ;)
As said,i'm going to the zoological gardens this coming monday,with Mimz. And prolly,with Nurie along. We've yet to receive confirmation from Reg about tagging along. Mimz's New Urben Male (NUM) guy and Zi was supposed to join us but due to their tight schedule,they can't make it. It's kinda sad but there's always a next time((: But whatever it is,no matter who is tagging along or whatever,it'll still gonna be a superb trip afterall! =D Right,i have been waiting for this day for SO LONG,and finally,i managed to have someone to follow me there! Yeah,so much for having SO many people who wanted/promised to bring me there for the gazillion-th times. Bitch. But,who cares? I can always plan that trip on my own at any point of time.
Now,do you still have problems reading? If it is,i think there MUST be something wrong with you. Screw you,i got distinction for my english. AND OH,thanks for taking your time reading my blog,AT LEAST! Meh.
Labels: people who have derogatoriness.
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 @22:38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
First time after so long,i'm sitting at home on saturday night. With the reason of,the trip to Escape is cancelled (whatthehell) AGAIN and i'm too lazy to go out,then. Besides,i've got no company for today,so yeah. Was supposed to complete my assignments,but i spent most of my time watching tv and dvd(s). Not lazy,but just wanna rest for a moment. So far,i've not turned lazy yet. See the word YET? Yeah,i hope i wont. Be it now or even the time to come.
&& to sidetrack a little bit off my saturday and school work,the BEST part about today was about greeting someone which constantly have been playing on your mind. Oh,it was awesome. With an addition on what you get in return,was another awesome-ness feeling. It dosen't stop me from smiling all day long! But,that was JUST the first step,lol.
Thanks Mimz,you know what i mean ;)
Labels: with the ZI at the back
"" was Posted On: Sunday, January 18, 2009 @00:27 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Life in school right now is definitely waaaay different compared to the past years. The surroundings and the friends changed. What i meant was,some went off for their new school. But whatever it is,time goes by and everything can't stay on forever. So,learn to live with it cause deep in my heart,the girls/friends whom have been with me for the past crazy years,are the best among the best ones i can ever get. And lovelies,you havta know that i miss you girls very much with all of my organs and cells! (part nie,macam paham).
My crazy nigga mommaaa!
Ilyana Banana ;)
The middle; Sister from another mother&father. Massafurah!
And today,i'm still glad i'm left with these gorgeous ones. At least,they made me laugh everyday in class. Life in seondary school for the 5th year isn't gonna be as bad/boring as i imagined it would be,i HOPE. Keep on concentrating to achieve whatever i want and yeah,10 more months to endure! Give it the BEST shot for ONCE and we shall call it quit after that!
Till then!
Labels: admit it, you need someone
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @17:37 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Yesterday's gig @ Beats was great. Managed to catch Fake Eyelash after forever. They were great and FCT was awesome although they thought that the new song they're covering was cock-up. But hey,everyone says it's totally good and they enjoyed it! =D Made alot of new friends. The crowd was fun although i'm ALWAYS the unlucky one getting pushed and hit very hard every single time BUTBUTBUT,i have one guy who's totally nice to save me from all of that. HAHAHA,he's HOT. What's his name again Mimz? =D
DILLY: "Mimz,kat belakang ade hantu kan?"
MIMZ: "ahhhhhhhh? kau biar betol siol. petang2 pon ade hantu eh?"
HAHAHAHA. It's Firdaus from Ivory,he likes to interframe.
Gulp gulp gulp,mimz have got NO eyes.
Recently,i just getto know that Nana and i are related! We're far away cousins :)
Same applies to Zaa too!
Reggy REG!
She's cuteeee laaaaaa.

Fina Minah Aminah!
Zanna Nana
Ikaa mok!
Effaaaaaaa Reg!
The crowds
Fake Eyelash
"ah,kau jangan langgar aku. Aku bukak silat baru tau!" HAHA
Showing some loveeeeeee.

Yalah,love lah loveeeee :)
That's all i got! Gonna do homeworks and iron school uniform later on! And oh,Wawan if you're reading this,better makesure you text me asap cause i'm missing you like crazy. If not,i shall smack you down already! HAHAHA. Till then! lovelove! =DDDD
Labels: something
"" was Posted On: Sunday, January 11, 2009 @19:42 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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