okay yeah,these are the ONLY pictures i managed to upload . excluded the ones we took during our Flag Day,whihc is last saturday . a jackass day i'd say! we're supposed to collect donations,instead we went to the Singapore Art Muzeum and become tourists! haha . (well,we did collect SOME donations,atLEAST) . *grins*

omg,isn't he CUTE? haha .
my GOODfriend! haha . meet Afiq,jackass! =)

he's crazy,i know . hahaha .
(don't get jealous baby,he's just a friend and i love you MORE!)

IFAH,5 years of friendship (include this year) and still keeping it strong! =)
moving on . ive been watching people's (girls and guys i mean) armpit hair and hair leg . okay,i'm not what you think i am,but hey,im used to doing that so you cant blame me either! well,mojority of the rugby boys have SEXY hair leg which include my daddy and boyfriend . and the most hairy leg was Afiq's and i likee plucking them! ewww,i know . but,it's fun lor! haha . girl's leg,i shall look who had got a sexy leg or even a muscular ones . Renee has it . Zanna,my sister,Miss Poon (of course) and some other names too which include Ifah,if she were to shave them! haha . i've been asking people if my leg does look fat or not . but,fortunately they said NO! haha . (but i think otherwise lor) =( armpit hair,mostly all of them shave their armpit hair and that's really goooooooooood! hahah .
i want a sexy leg! i dont caree! like seriously . i wanna have firm tights and i wanna make my abs look OBVIOUS! i seriously don't like my leg now . i mean,they dont have muscle (i did,once . but,i dont know where it had gone to) and its not even clean . i have scares and marks on it . all thanks to the camps that ive attended! thanks a lot ehh mosquitos and sand flies! *roll eyes* omg,yeah! SEXYSEXYSEXY leg is for me NEXT! i dont give a damn . hahah .

i told her to look at the camera,but it turns the other way round! haha .

going crazy with the little one?

was talking to Hatim on the phone when my sister snapped this!

i wanna go for a DATE,and official date with boyfriend! like seriously,we have not been catching movies together . okay,don't laugh . we only spent our time together at Goodview Gardens and east coast and had our meals together,so far . well,ive planned to be his for the whole ENTIRE DAY one day,after our exams are all over . go to sentosa prolly? only the two of us? yeah,a good idea indeed! and,shall plan about it when the time gets nearer . && i still cant believe im attached to a wonderful boyfriend! yeaaay me! =)
ive been having a terrible headache today . a VERY BAD one i'd say! like seriously,i cant help it . andand,worst still,im having my maths paper tomorrow! with an addition of history paper . POA,the following day . geeeeeeeeeeeez . oh oh yeah,met-upp with boyfriend just now to study for my maths paper and get my homeworks done and hey,the only word i can describe him is; C U T E . seriously . haha . he is really cutee . with his magic tricks which amazed me and all . haha,funny :) i want moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of it! i love your hugs and kisses! yeay,lucky me! =)
&& Fikah,sabar jelah pasal Syimah tu . well,you understand don't you about these kind of people oror prolly,kids . simply wth kan? sheesh,merepek sia . *roll eyes*
1. If i turn moody,i won't talk to anyone and i shall say 'i'm okay' all the time although im not and i don't like it when poeple keep on asking me if im fine or not .
2. I have a body-shape but i don't like the fats i got the my waist -.-
3. I have the habit of talking to myself and it really irritates the poeple around me especially Han Bali (okay,he's new in my class)
4. Like Lina,i can speak British accent but i don't like to get used to it as poeple might thought im showing of .
5. I got a stupid irritating sensitive nose and i really hate it man!
6. I have a terrace house at Malaysia in case you don't know .
7. I own a HOTHOTHOT and skinny boyfriend =)
7 Things that scare me:-
1.HEIGHTS! i hate heights like for real!
2. Injections really suck to the core! before the doctor injects me,for sure im gonna cry first!
3. Cats cats cats cats and just cats! meow meow!
4. To lose somone i realy love and care!
5. Dogs? prolly yeah,cause dogs barking really scary sia .
6. Going back home late at night ALONE . && i'll never will,NEVER .
7. Cockroaches scares me to death! *faints faints faints*
7 Favourite music artists at the momment:-
1. Red apperatus jumpsuit
2. The click Five
3. Arctic Monkeys
4. 30 Seconds to mars
5. Panamore
6. Comic Strip
7. Arrowhead (they're the local band in s'pore)
7 Things i like most:-
1. My lovely boyfriend
2. My gilrfriends
3. My black ipod nano
4. My dark brown eyes
5. Koean stuff which Zanna and Ifah got me influenced .
6. Arctic monkeys songs; I bet that you look good on the dancefloor! gotta listen to it dude!
7. Danceee! i miss dancing though =(

i fine them cutee too! tp bile part dorang gadoh,sembunyi belakang Fikah siol aku . kan B kan? haha

Dilla: I don't know why but i really wanna tell you that,you're the best thing that have ever happen in my life . im'a person who's like,if i love someone,i shall love him whole heartedly . and as for you,i've already secure you in my heart and baby,i'll hold on to you and never let you go . never . like i told you before,whichever girl who wons you is a lucky one and i guess,im the one though! =)
Hatim: Awwwww,that's sooo sweet dear :) guess what,I LOVE YOU dear :) :) i've started to love you now,seriously .
omgomgomg,haha . well,that's about it . i suspect that Valentine's day gonne be a something one but yeah,do take your time baby . im fine with everything though! ohh yes,as for Fikah and Khai,cepat2 official jugak lorr korang! really cant wait for that to happen! =) ohh yes,what happened?
&& its when,your own very BESTFRIEND,
where you pour your thoughts to,
whom you share your happy and sorrow moments together,
treat you that way .literally,THAT WAY .
the way it's not supposed to be!
absolutely dissapointing though as you've known me for like 4 years now?
what the fuck?
She even thought she was not at fault and got panic and afraid if i getto know about it .
just wait till you explain every single thing you me then!
&& what else now?
;Tell me you love me baby .
6 days more to Valentine's Day! so fellas,what's your plan with ur partner? haha . i wish im gonna have a superduper great sweet cum lovely one ever! like,working things out for me and him? haha . i like i like i likeeeeeeee *kening naik-naik* haha . so yeah,went to East Coast Park with Hatim,Fikah and Khai yesterday . then,Wati and Vaam joined us . we had a great time although the place is quite pack . okay,not quite but REALLY pack i'd say! neither of us brought the mat so we sat on tha dry grass patch . a cute one i shall say! haha . kill the time by playing with the sea water,play cards,listen to songs with the speaker brought by Fikah,watch the cards-magics by Hatim and Khai and be in his arms for like the whole entire day? *cheeky smile* =)
10 hours and 25 minutes seems sooo freaking long but,not for me though . i feel that ive only spent my time with him for only an hour plus? werid . but that's how you really feel when you're with the one you love . love? did i say love? haha . *wink* soo,i wanted to put up the pictures snapped yesterday but,ive yet to received them from Fikah and Wati . so,shall wait though . andand now,i really got nothing else on my freaking mind . soooo,let's shall continue on the next time i blog hor .
ohoh,i gotta wake up early tomorrow as im going to Pasir Ris Park with my cousins which is from my daddy's side which i am not really used to . im bet its gonna be a boring one! haha . i wish i could run away and escape from it so that i can spent my time with my Hatim and accompany him for his jamming . still,i wanna meet my so-lost-long grandma tomorrow . but too bad,we gotta wait till Thursday then! andand,wednesday night,me and Iqa planned to do something really sweet for our love ones! haha . andand,i shall prepare the sweetest among the sweetest small tiny lil surprise for him andand plus,27 dresses too baby! then,the following saturday shall be the date! ohhh dateee . so,how can i share my feeling now?
i've never felt better while i am in your arms,and when you hugged me tight like as if you wanna hold me forever and never let go . but,nothing seems better when you kissed my forehead to express your love physically and that's when i feel the love and sparks between us . and that's when im starting to love you each minute baby . i am,for real . well,my life is definitely all about you now . no matter how many guys likes me,love me,had a crush with me,wanna date me out or so but still IM ALL YOURS B! :)
labels: yesterday was our part of our 1st chapter of love =)