Out of the 100 over pictures snapped,this is the most favourite one and i simply dont know why?
(mama,myself,my cheeky uncle from jb,my favourite cousin and my fav auntie from jb,the wife)
Body's are all aching due to tiredness . ive not been getting enough sleep lately . prolly,im busy with my cousin's wedding preperation last few days . yeah,one of the reason . besides that,ive been spending my whole entire night talking with boyfriend over the phone till wee hours . and last night,we actually talked till 4 am! could you believe that? dah lepas bual kat phone,sms la pulak . haha . rindu nyer pasal,haiyoh . mampos .
guess what? i've not even done my homework! okay lie . i did some of it and for godness sake,ive not even finished my MATHEMATICS homework which is super lots! *faints* Miss Ang is really crazy and i bet,no one's gonna get them totally done! seriously . ive only did my malay and some poa's and some of the maths question . okay,that's all . i still got my history and maths and maths and just MATHS! *okay,im dead* andand,what's worst when school's re-opening TOMORROW! in 10 hours and 26 minutes sharp! okay Fafilla,once school re-opens,no more slacking around and dozing off inside the class without acceptable reason! if not,you're unable to have a grand wedding,unlike your cousin who just did (he's one is really ungrand i tell you!)
okay dudes and duttes,since last friday is my FIRST MONTH ann with boyfriend,i received a longlonglong myspace message from him! so,i proudly wanna share with you guys here and yeah,i shall just copy paste the sweetest among the sweetest part which i love the most! this is what he said;
Happy one month anni baby!
i've never been so happy to be with someone((:
i love you because-
1. you are so so adorable
2. you are so so so so cute
3. you are so so so so sweet
4. you are full of surprises
5. you put a smile on ma face
6. you don't pretend like something you're not when you're with me
7. you have a HOT body
8. you have cool white teeth
9. you have nice hair
10. you have a nice smell
11. you are very manje((:
12. you are so in love with me((: ((: ((:
13. you make ma heart beat faster
14. you make me smile when you kiss me or you call me "sayang"
15. you are the most understanding girl ever.
16. you wouldn't wanna fight over small matters
17. you would rather talk things out then to fight over it
18. you say sorry even for the smallest mistakes
19. you have nice smile
20. you are the nicest person
21. you are the most caring person
22. you are funny(if you didn't realise that la)
24. your jokes are funny yet CUTE
25. you are such a lovable girl
26. you appreciate me for who i am
27. you are the best thing that has ever happen in my life
28. you are the greatest thing that has ever happen in my life
29. you are the CUTEST thing that has ever happen in my life
&& that's what he said . and this is what i reply . again,the sweetest among the sweetest please! =)
01. You're the nicest guy ive ever come across,i dont lie . (although i find u irritating previously)
02. You're veryveryvey sweet in any way,just to make my day a beautiful one .
03. You're willing to make the things i ever wanted,came true . (which most guys not willing to)
04. You're willing to accept me for who i am,the boring average girl
05. You have a HOTHOTHOT body (6 pacs,i likee~~)
06. You own the sweeeetest smile ever! ((:
07. You have a gorgeous & beautiful eyes which make me comfortable having eye contact with .
08. I'm comfortable being with you .
09. You're willing to be there for me,when i need a listening ear and share my problems to .
10. You're there to lend me your shoulder for me to cry on when i misses you like hell lot ((:
11. You NEVER FAILED to make me smile,eversince the FIRST day .
12. You never failed to make me smile every single day
13. Awak soranglah yang sanggup layan karenah kite .
14. Layan manje kiter and all .
15. You would try your very best just to be with me when im sick
16. You never failed to remind me to take my medicines when i totally forgot about it .(sape lah yang sanggup buat macam tu)
17. You're supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer cuteeee id say! ((:
18. You own a sexy hair! i likeeeeeeeee~~ ( botak=strictly NS ONLY)
19. You always make me laugh with ur funny jokes and all
20. i love the way u reacted when i call you sayang
21. i love you hugs cause' its like the best hug ive ever received
22. You're just like me,dosent like to fight over small stuff
23. Sayang,you're the most understanding guy ever on earth ((:
24. You're the best thing that ever happen in my life,like seriously! ((:
25. The super greatest thing that have ever happen in my life
26. You're the only one who really really really understand my needs
27. You're very caring,which sometimes,really touched me hor!
28. The most loving guy ive ever come across (i never lie,you know me well)
29. You make my heart beats faster and slower at the same time .
30. I super duper love your smell ((: (never gonna forget that)
31. You simply make my day baby .
32. I love your touch .
33. I love the way you walk
34. I love the way you tell me how much i mean to you
35. I love the way you express your love towards me,be it mentally or physically
36. I simply love your hugs and kisses .
37. You're sooo nice to have the thought of cooking a meal for me,just to make sure i didnt skip my meals which no one ever done it before
38. i love the way you say " baby,i love you sososso much" (omg,that's the best things baby)
39. I SIMPLY LOVE it when you call me your baby((:
40. You've got everything i ever need .
41. You really appreciate me although there's nothing special in me
42. You're my everything,literally everything baby . im super serious about it
43. You're the only one for me,and that's soooooooooooo true!
which include,you got a sexy leg,sexy long fingers and sexy hands! also,you're the only one who's willing to give me your full attention every single day without faild which others CANT .
That's all folks~
labels: gonna hear your voice pretty sooon!

1. Current status:
- Attached .
2. Are you in love:
- YES I AM ((:
3. Working or schooling:
- Schooling
4. Are you a homely person:
- Gotta say,yes .
5. Are you a hot-tempered or a cool-tempered person:
- It depens on the situation . but,more to the cool one .
6. Are you positive as a person:
-Well,im not sure either! haha
7. List FIVE words which describe you the best:
- Very friendly,understanding,outgoing,silly and pampered (only they knows)
8. Your hobbies:
- Talk to boyfriend over the phone,read english book (like finally), shopping and dance! with additional of talking to myself when im super duper duper bored,seriously (im not insane hor!)
9. What do you love to do when you're free:
- On my computer the whole entire day and find the opportunity to disturb other people!
10. What do you feel right now:
- Nervous and excited!
11. Name the person you love so much in the past years:
- Still am loving them,my family of course! with my late uncle too!
12. Name the person you love so much now:
- Family and relatives plus boyfriend and all of my girlfriends!
13. Any besties:
- Zanna,ifah,mas,ilyana,fikah,yunis and suryani (the people whom i often turn to)
14. Any enemy(s):
- I dont have one but i have some whom i dislike .
15. List down the things you love about youself mentally:
- I often give chances to people although they've hurt me upteen times (i'm nice)
- I make friends easily and that's one of the reason why i have lots of friends!
- I don't often get mad/angry . seriously . not unless you really make me one!
16. List down the things you love about yourself physically:
- I love my body (shape)
- I love my long lashes and dark browned color eyes
- I love my hindustani-pakistani malay look . (which people often mistook me for indian girl)
17. What are you listening to now:
- I bet that you look good on the dancefloor by Arctic Monkeys
18. Do you see yourself as one of the most luckiest girl in any perspective:
- In my lovestory,yeah . in other perspective,not really .
19. What is your ambition:
- A fashion designer or a steewardes
20. What are the things you MUST have in your bag when you go out:
- Phonny,ear-piece,inhaler (okay,what a bad asthma i have),wallet,compact powder,comb .
21. What is your favourite pet:
- Definitely not CATS,nigga please! i dont have any .
22. What is your favourite colours:
- Black,white,brown,yellow,red and green .
23. What is your favourite love movie:
- Eiffel im in love,i likeeeee~
24. What is your favourite animated movie:
- Enchanted! haha
25. What is your favourite comedy movie:
- Game plan,meet the fokers! wohoo . (bet,still gotta list down on and on)
26. Favourite cooking:
- Momma's cokking of course!
27. Your favourite song currently:
- Mardy bum by Arctic Monkeys (sedap giler nak mampos)
28. Your favourite stories:
- Bedtime stories by boyfriend! (okay,lie . im the one who tell him bedtime story instead)
29. Your favourite poeple:
- The people who love me,definitely!
30. Your most favourite sentence/words used:
- Whateveeer,apee jeeer,taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak,amende kau yak-alah . haha .
31. The person you hurt the most:
- I dont really hurt people cause i dont dare to .
32. The person whom hurt you the most:
- My previous,Fahmy . (only if you know the whole lovestory of mine,you'll know)
33. The person you miss the very most:
- Late uncle and granpa . i miss my grandma at JB too and my lovely Pak Usu!
34. What is in your head right now:
- How shall i explain to boyfriend about the outing being postpone to tuesday? is he gonna be mad?
35. What is the most romantic word/sentence/phrase you've ever said to someone you love:
- I don't know why but i wanna tell you that you're the best thing that have ever happen in my life baby . Im a person who's like,if i love that someone,i will love him whole heartedly . and as for you,i've already secure you in my heart and baby,i'll hold on to you and never let you go . not even a mile yet a distance . like i told you before,whichever girl who owns you is a lucky one and i guess im the one though((: (i ACCIDENTELLY deleted that msg this afternoon) =(
36. What is the most romantic thing you've ever done to someone you love:
- Planned to celebrate Valentine's Day at the ROOFTOP and catch sunsets and bake brownie and cupcakes with the ILOVEYOU alphabets on it plus,made a HUNDRED over heartshaped paper with 9 different languages in saying ILOVEYOU (please refer to the day i got official) haha
37. Have you ever regret hurting someone:
- Unintentionally,yeap . it's not literally my fault hor!
38. Have people ever backstabbed you:
- A few times,but its clean forgotten now .
39. The most regretted thing you've ever done:
- Being too kind to people which made them take you for granted,but that's me though .
40. The most happiest time in my life:
- When i getto spent my time with my love ones which include my lovely girlfriends!
41. Have you ever find it hard to move on with life after being dumped with your previous:
- VERY id say! seriously . but,im glad i did! if not,im not what i am right now! ((:
42. Ever faint:
- Yes,once . when i was in primary 6,doing my 1.2km run at my school field .
43. Do you have a crush on someone right now excluded your boyfriend:
- Oh definitely! Alex tuner,the rock,kim jaejoong,ryan gosling and kyle patrick .
44. Who give you money:
- Daddy .
45. How do you spent your money:
- very wisely,in fact i jot down every single thing i bought .
46. The most expensive clothes you ever bought for yourself/others:
- My brown hoodie from forever 21 and Adidas Jacket .
47. The cheapest thing you ever bought for yourself:
- I'm not sure either . barang yang selongok seringgit kot? joking,haha .
48. The most expensive thing someone ever bought for you:
- Adidas jacket (original hor),converse hi-cut and jewellery from parents!
49. The last thing you spend on:
- A white shirt from Giordano at Vivo
50. The next thing you wanna buy for yourself:
- Ipod touch,New urban male's sandal,Ripples's flip flop and a new watch!

everyone inside the car keep on looking at us as we couldnt stop taking pictures!
my MOST FAVOURITE shot of Zanna's on that particular day! wohoo .

andand now,ladies & gentlemen,please take a look at my LEG and tell me something about it!
i then realise,my hair has become longer and longer! haha,RANDOM .

This thing is COOLSHIT i tell you . look at them and the background,then you'll understand!
There's sooo many more pictures taken but i managed to upload only these few . not that im lazy but,should ask the blogger due to some connection problems . well,that's what we did . went to Istana Park then Singapore Muzeum and become a tourists instead of asking poeple for donation . ohh nigga please,im sooooo lazy to do that! (know me) haha . so,what's so great about thses one week? only boyfriend knows cause im super lazy to tell from A to Z . well,i shall just say the stuff i need here . hoho . overall,danceworks 2008 open category was great! =)
moving on . i met boyfriend on monday (03rd march) over at Goodview Gardens,the usual . well,it's because we really am missing each other veryveryveryveryveryvery much,i swear! especially me! misses him soo much which lead me to crying (okay,dont you laugh) im for real okay! met up and yeah,the usual,i laughed like a lot when we met . then,i kept myself quiet and hug him tight . (that's what i really wanna do when meeting him actually) to hug him tight and yeah,i didnt realise that i actually CRIED on his arms . for missing him so much . *blush* i cried twice on his arms! && he dosent fail to entertain me with his magic tricks! overall,ive learnt a new super magic trick from him! *yeay*
yesterday . boyfriend planned to come down to my school to have lunch together with the reason of,he's going for his camp TODAY until TOMORROW supposingly . (well,actually he's lazy to go for the camp) haha . he came down to school after his soccer practise and to my VERY SURPRISE,he bought for my LONG JOHN SILVER!! omg,do you believe that? haha . i dont hor! it's been like 2 months since i last ate a proper meal from LJS,seriously! andand,i never expect him to buy them for me . how sweet . also,he waited for me with some of his friends outside the school until i end my npcc training . then,after sitting down the block for sometime,he sent me back home . see,my boyfriend is very sweet . haha .
so,what's great? i love my lovestory like,very much! && yeah,SENTOSA for this monday hor ifah,izuan,fikah,fique,yunie and faisal . andand hatim too of course! so,we shall plan about them real soon! prolly tomorrow . andand to Fikah bby,get well soon baby! =)
labels: let's make that surprise happened! =)