After alot of hardwork,i managed to drag Ajie,Iszwan & Roy to join us for the hangout. It tooks alot of effort okay to ask them to cancel their swimming plan HAHAHA (Y). Anyway,we met at Vivo in the afternoon to slack. Nothing much,just us and some nonsense in between with some junk food from GIANT and few bottles of juices hahahaha. Ini case semua tengah kering habis. But yeah,it wasn't THAT fun,but at least in a way or another,it makes my day and i or maybe,WE had laughters in between. That's more important. Pictures are in a mess,so there you go :>
HAHAHAHAHA when everyone was playing around with Mizam's full-face helmet lol. Reg couldn't make it at the very last minute caz she have a job to attend to. So does Keledek,he got his graveyard shift. That left me & Elfac for being the only girls around. Afterwhich when she left,Saw came to join. And then,it's my turn to take my leave CAUSE IM WORKING FULL SHIFT TOMORROW AND IT SUCK BIGTIME PLEASE. But nevermind loh,next time round,we'll plan for something waaaaaay better than this. A picnic,A REAL PICNIC at botanical gardens okay! :D
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